I started to take back to school picture of all my kids and I'm just getting around to posting these of the little boys. I took these the first day of school too.
Brett is turning into a cranky kid. He is two what can I say? He yells at me a lot. He bit me the other day! Right in the butt! Then he is the sweetest thing the next minute. I loves to play hunting with the boys. He loves his stuffed animals and we line them up in his bed every night. He always wants to say the prayer. He had this winny little funny voice. He would play outside all day if I let him. I'm started to really love that because as kids get older you have to push them outsides some days. He likes to jump on our tramp and play "Macho" (Nacho like the movie) on the tramp. He always likes to play ghost busters with Stockton. He is mean to poor Stock! He is always hitting him and screaming at him to get his way. Bretty is still daddy's buddy. Bryan never gets after him. Blake is his best buddy. He likes Elmo and curious george. He loves to play on the ipad and screams when you try to take it away from him. I try not to give it to him every often because he is two! I want him to play! Brett loves cats! He chases them around and meows at them. He loves for me to read to him. Brett is a pretty good eater. He is the best kid at eating what I put in front of him. He still loves his hot dogs.
If I had to guess Stockton's favorite thing I would say bugs. This kid loves bugs. He loves ladybugs, rolly pollys, slugs, worms. He has been stung like three times by bees this summer because he is trying to pick them up. If I'm working in the garden he is right by me waiting for me to find him a worm. He is little mr. independent. Max and Ruby is still his favorite show much to the dismay of many of the rest of us because we have seen the show so many times. He loves batman, star wars and hunting games. He likes to build and create things on his own and the older boys get mad because he gets in their room and plays legos. Unless he is on the ipad (which he could honestly do ALL DAY) and Brett is asleep he is following me around the house. I don't think he likes to be alone if he doesn't have something else to do. Stockton likes to draw. He really loves chalk. He has drawn all over the outside of my house with chalk this summer. He draws on my walls inside too. Boo to that! He is a picky eater! It's so hard to feed him! Seriously I dare you to hang out with him and not fall in love with him. I love the way he talks about stuff and the expressions on his face when he is talking about anything. He is the most loving little guy you will ever meet. He is so social! He makes friends everywhere! We were at mcdonalds the other day and he made friends with his cute little girl. If she wasn't right with him he would say "where is my girl?" When people walk by my house he always wants to take to them. Our little toy motorcycle is his favorite toy. He rides that up and down the sidewalk forever . He loves to be mommys helper. I call him my stuffed animal because he is a snuggler.
I really, really love just spending time with these two crazies all day while the other boys are at school. They go with me everywhere. I feel so lucky to be their mom.
1 comment:
These are DARLING! Seriously.
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