Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, September 8, 2014

Temple Fork - Old Ephraim's Grave

We had a unsuccessful trip up to Old Ephriams grave a couple of years ago because the gate was still locked near the top and I have always wanted to go.  Old Ephraim was a HUGE bear killed like a 100 years ago by a sheep herder.  It's as tall as the rock, really think about that.  Bryan is 6'4 and it's like 10 feet tall.  Last Wednesday Bryan was itching to do something so we met him at his parents, borrowed their truck and headed up.  I took the opportunity to grab my new camera and get some pictures. I was having a little too much fun and took too many  but oh well. 
Look at Stocktons face.  It's the only picture he was sad in so I'm not sure what the deal was.  

 A rare photo of me- I decided I need to jump in a few more photos so my kids know I actually joined them on a lot of these trips. 

 Love this picture of Stockton
 Bryan offered to hold the boys up and touch the top of the rock to see if they could be as big as the bear.  Ty did it and was totally fine.  Blake wanted to do it and had second thoughts on the way up.  He thought Bryan was going to drop him.  This set him off for the rest of the night and he was mad and throwing a fit for the next half hour at least.  It didn't help that Ty was teasing him either...

 On the way back out Bryan stopped at this really, really beautiful spot with this awesome view of the mountains all around us.  A couple of months ago this would have been breath taking with the field covered in flowers but they were all dried up and dead at this point.  It was still pretty even with dead flowers. I really want to go back up their next summer and take some family pictures.

Excuse my son as he itches his bum.  What can you do with little boys?

 Muscle men

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