Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I almost forgot!

I found a ton of photos I wanted to post on my computer today that are from this summer. 
The boys loved to play hunting games in the backyard. This was a big deal for me because Brett would stay right with Blake and I could be cleaning up the kitchen and he could be outside with the boys. It's the first taste of a little free time I've hard for a very, long time. 

These two are best friends and enemies and back to friends in a hour of play time. They usually are pretty good to each other. 

This kid loves corn. He ate so much of it this summer. Between that and all the raspberries he had some interesting diapers..,

This one if Ty was not edited. At all. Look at his eyes? Seriously! And bacos face is my fav. 
Blake's first magpie kill. To say he was excited is a understatement. 
This boys came up with a new game. They would "mine" rocks. I made them wear sunglasses in case a piece of rock flew up in their eyes as they hammered them. My older three boys would do this forever. I love it when stock puts his glasses on backward. 

Daddy's buddy. 

He didn't want me to take his picture. It ended up turning out better that way. 
Part of my summer photo challenge was the theme laugh. So I made all my boys pose for a laughing pic. It's always easier to get the little ones to laugh. 
Here is my "messy" picture. 

He was playing peek a boo with me. I would say "where's bretty?" And he would do this. Seriously kid. Can't you stay this sweet forever???

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