I remember Tyson's first day of kindergarten . He had morning kindergarten and I walked him right to his door. Then watched him go out to play before school started and saw him playing by himself because he didn't know anyone. It ripped my heart out. I wanted to help him make friends and be there for him. It was a hard moment of letting go. That year was hard. This year was worse.
This year not only was Tyson starting Jr. High but Brett was starting 1st grade and where he would be gone all day. My 4 older kids leaving me all day. It broke my heart. I know a lot of moms love having their kids gone all the time and the days they are all fighting I totally feel that. But I love having my kids around and spending time with them. I miss then when they are gone all day.
Blake is in 5th grade and got the teacher he has been wanting for years Mr. Reynolds. He only has like 24 kids in his class. Ty had 34 5th grade class! He loves anything hunting related and basketball. He is such a mature kid and a wonderful helper. He has lots of friends.Brett is starting 1st grade. All day! He has always been my sweet angel boy and I miss him being gone all day! But he is doing so well in school this year. He is really smart and makes lots of friends. He is in Mrs. Millers class. She used to be in our ward and I know her well. He has a tiny class of 16 kids. And they are all boys and 4 girls. He is a good listener and has the sweetest giggle and smile.
Truth be told Ty was pretending to fart on me to get him to laugh like this.
Stockton is starting 2nd grade. His teacher is Mrs. Bingham and he loves her class. Stockton is my social butterfly and says he doesn't have a lot of friends but he really does. He loves bugs and sharks. He has a fun imagination and always finds something to entertain himself.
He was really mad about getting his picture taken. I had to bribe him a lot.
Tyson is my 7th grader. He has all sorts of teachers and classes. He took Art and ceramics which he liked. He loves to draw and especially go fishing. He can tell you about all sorts of types of fish and what rivers you can catch them in. I asked him the other day who his best friend was and he said he just has a ton of friends and not a best friend. He is the crazy kid who actually loves jr. high. I mean who loves jr. high? He doesn't get into the popularity contest that a lot of kids do and just is himself all the time.
Isn't he handsome?
East just wanted a picture of himself.
I'll be honest. I was not ready for him to start jr. high. I mean could he open his locker? Would he get teased? Would he find his classes? Would he remember to turn in his assignments without a teacher staying on him? I cried when I watched him walk into school. He has been totally fine! And he loves it. It reminded me of his first day of kindergarten though. All the anxiety and emotion. I'm just not ready for my kids to keep growing up on me.
Ty starts school before the rest of the kids so I got the rest of their actual first day of school photos later.
The kids started running to school and Stock turned around for one more goodbye and for me to grab one more picture. That kid really does love me.