My little pirate turned 3! He was full blown in his pirate phase. We had his hate and jacket on everywhere he went. The store, the pool, to his friends house. Everywhere but church just because I wouldn't let him. He even slept in it sometimes. I was lucky to wash it sometimes. I let him to to watkins and pick out some birthday stuff and all he came out with was some pirate stuff. And his pinta.
I did a pirate mini shoot with him for his birthday in our backyard.
On the morning of his birthday we made a treasure hunt to his big present. The other boys helped me. He had to go around the house and find clues then out to the tree house to fight Captain Tyson with his sword. After he defeated Ty he had to go down the slide then to the basement to find his present.
Bryan talked me into dropping the cash for this pirate ship. He still loves this crazy thing months later.
Because he got the big pirate ship he just got a few other little gifts as well.
He wanted this pinta really bad so we got it and some little treasure toys to put in it. It was just my boys and east who got to hit it.
Grandpa's birthday spankings.
This was the only pirate cake they had but he loved it.
3 is actually my favorite age. They are still little enough that they do cute little things all the time but old enough you can take them to do stuff.
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