Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Bridger Lake Camping trip

This camping trip was not a easy one to schedule. Summer schedules are so hard to make work! Finally my sister in law and I found a weekend that worked. We started our trip by staying at their house for a night. The kids loved all their goats and chickens. They always love Cory and Katies house in Wyoming. 

 Their Photo pose 

 We drove about 30-45 minutes up to Bridger lake. the kids were so excited! We had gone finishing here the year before. I realized that I had left my big camera soon after we got there. Bryan, being the good husband that he is, drove back to Cory's to get it. While he was gone Stockton started acting funny. He went from playing with the kids to laying down. We went fishing for a little bit and Stockton was complaining he was really cold. When we got back to their trailer he laid down and feel asleep. I could tell he wasn't feeling well. I was so bummed because he was so excited to camp! 

Once Bryan got back Stock was just waking up. He complained about his heart beating weird and not feeling well. He was in tears and I was worried. Bryan decided to run him back to Cory and Katies house because we thought it was the elevation that was messing with him. It looked like he had altitude sickness and we were really high elevation. 

The problem was we had no cell service. So I was up at the lake worrying about Stockton the whole time. Bryan was really nice to be the one that missed out on our trip. And Cory, Katie and their kids were so helpful with mine. 

Bryan ended up taking Stock to the ER after talking to a dr in Lyman. They were worried about him complaining about his heart. They did a bunch of tests and figured he just had a nasty cold or flu and the elevation made him feel much worse. They stayed at Cory's that night. 

Back at the lake we had so much fun! The kids kayaked around the lake and mostly fished. Every one including East caught some fish. 

 The kids made a fort with sticks. 
 Gotta love kids. They open a pop can, drink a sip and set it down. Forget where the put it and open a new one and do the same thing. 
 I about died when I saw the reflection in the water. It was like their was two skies. 

 East made himself a fishing pole. Cory was helping him "fish". 

We just stayed the one night there and headed back to Cory's. It was raining the second day anyway. Stock had high fevers so we headed home. He ended up being ok and passing his bug onto at least Brett and I can't remember who else. They didn't have it nearly as bad as poor Stockton. 

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