Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

July 2018

We started the month off with Grandma Palmers 4th of July party. We had a bounce house and yummy dinner. Sadly it was the coldest day we had in weeks! So it took awhile until we added water to the slide but for Easton that we perfect. He liked it much better without the water! 


 Bryan's fav photo of the year: Eastons first fish! He was so happy! 

 Easton likes to watch these funny you tube shows with British people. One is called Steve and Maggie with a guy a a magpie. The other is Pepa Pig. He came to me one day with his hat and elmo suitcase telling me he was going to "holiday". I think he sees too many English shows! 
 We met a girl from Bryan's mission at Tony Grove for me to take pictures of. 
 Brett got his cast off!!
 Red Neck Waterslide for Ava's birthday! Brett was sick so he didn't get to go. 

 East putting his animals down for a nap 
 Potty training Easton was one of the worst things I did last year. It was awful! It took all sorts of bribing to get him to do anything! He is so stubborn. He ended up with a lot of pirate stuff by the time he was potty trained. It took months and months and lots of clean up. 
 We called this his wet dog hat because it was plastic and would make his head sweat like crazy making his head smell bad. Like a wet dog! 
 Bryan found this on his car seat when he had a work luncheon. 

 After Ava's baptism we got a photo of all of Bryan's family minus Joe. I got one of all the grandkids there too but i can't find it! 
 The annual Lyman rodeo. Our friends daughter sang the national anthem. 
 The best thing that happened was East tried the bunny run this year. A bunch of kids had a false start and they had to call them back. East saw them go and followed then kept on going! He ran around the whole thing and the crowd was cheering and laughing! I'm SO MAD I didn't get a picture or video! I was too busy trying to call him back!

 North Logan 24th of July Parade 

 Fishing again and again. This one was in Box Elder county 

 Another hike to Naomi but Bryan and the older boys. The smoke was horrible from some wild fires!
 Stockton being Stockton at church. 

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