I've been wanting to write all of this down since March. So many thoughts and feeling dealing with a pandemic with kids. Some days I was totally fine, other days I just wanted to cry. Sometimes you would feel like grieving the loss of what your life was like before and the things you were missing out on. But everyone in the entire world was missing out as well.
In my head it all started going down hill when one of the Utah Jazz players tested positive for covid and they shut the entire NBA down. I remember thinking what the heck were they thinking? Why are they freaking out so bad! Then USU went online like the next day and Easton's preschool was canceled. Then a few days later they announced the schools were going online for two weeks. (that ended up being the rest of the school year.) In the middle of all of that people started to panic and head to the stores. Entire rows were empty of food. It was eerie. Honestly I thought I had a lot of food storage until I was faced with the stores being empty. Then I soon realized that I didn't do as good of a job with my food storage as I thought. Especially where my kid were now home all day eating all of my food! I needed less rice and more snacks!
Soon church was canceled and everything started to slowly close. I went from being really busy to having nothing to do. It was absolutely crazy. No basketball, no church groups (and we have 4 kids in 4 different church activity groups) no photos, no anything. Just us and Mario kart. We played a lot of Mario kart. We were told to stay away from people outside your house and many people started to work from home. The term "social distancing" became the buzz word. Now I feel like it's a swear word. We were told to not be in groups of more than 10 people. I laughed that there are some Utah families that had more than that living in their home.
Ty went with me to pick up Easton on what ended up being his last day of preschool. I found a old hat from my Grandpa selling paint brushes. I thought it was fitting.

Online school was really hard with my boys I'm not going to lie. Honestly it was the worst part. We had to borrow a couple of little lap tops from the school to have more kids working at once. The kids missed their friends and it was hard to learn online. I would go from one kid to the other the entire morning trying to help them get everything done. Stockton told me one day he thought I was a bad teacher. Which honestly made me feel bad because I used to be a school teacher!
I thought of food in a different way. I really did appreciate the fact that I had it! And you better believe that I have been stocking up on everything ever since!
All restaurants had to closed unless they had a drive though. We would still eat out just to get out of the house. My kids didn't go inside a store for months. And we had to break our no eating in the car rule because we only could eat in the car. I honestly am still worried about some of these places being able to keep their doors open. The economy was hit hard. Look at my business! I had to cancel almost everything for 6 weeks.
Fishing an 4 wheeler rides
The boys found ways to entertain themselves. I had to let them on their electronics a little more because they were going crazy. It's hard to have your life flipped upside down and be cut off from all of your friends. And not even being able to say goodbye.
We started holding church in our own homes. We even would have the sacrament at home. Once a month we would also invite a few people from the ward over who needed someone to help give them the sacrament. We would have our neighbor Kristen, Bob and Lois summers and the McEvoys come over. Then we would cook a big breakfast. We did that a couple of times. Easton felt that we needed a picture of Jesus if we were going to do church.
Social distance fishing. Glad we could do things outdoors a little bit. I would laugh at the people with girls. They would color and play with chalk. My boys needed to be active!
Many photographers did something they called front porch porch sessions where they stood far back and took peoples family pictures. Just really quick. My friend Kylee was driving by and offered to take some for me last minute. So my kids came out in whatever they had on and Bryan stayed on the couch and refused to come.
Bryan really went crazy in the yard though quarantine. Since there was nothing else to do. He started mowing twice a week and leveling it out to be totally flat.
I knew things were serious when the prophet had all the foreign missionaries come home. Including my nephew Spencer- Easton's favorite person. They were only allowed to have just the parents at the airport to pick him up and they weren't even allowed inside. They had to be in the parking garage. We decided last minute to just park at a church in Layton when they were on their way home to say hello. From a distance because he had just flown across the world and at that point we had no idea how deadly this virus was. (we were told 5-10% of people could die from it. Right know in Utah it's less then 1% have died.) We wanted to make a big deal of him in case he was never able to go back out! So Grandma and grandpa, our family and Jenny and her younger three girls came. Sannette was so sad we were not at the airport! That is where missionaries come home! Then when Jen didn't let her hug Spencer she feel apart. She was so sad. This was really hard on her because she loves school and is social. IT was the first time in a few weeks since I saw our family too. We didn't go to dinner at Debbies or go see them for a long time.
We brought our pirate flag to welcome him home.
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