East got the same Tie as Blake so they matched.
Stockton has a reading disability and it takes spelling and reading extremely difficult for him. He gets so frustrated with it all and fights me a lot about it. So when we read enough and he earned enough points to rock the halls it was a huge deal. Especially this year where we didn't adjust his points at all and he did it. Lucky for him because this was the last month they did this before school closed.
I took our new "cousin" (my niece Brianas baby) Addy's photos. East was happy to meet her.
Then we had to take some pirate photos of East.
Not sure how East sleeps with his bed like this. Ty likes to help tuck him in every night. He reads to him and everything.
We are lucky to have Blakes basketball coach in our lives. He is amazing. He is the perfect coach for Blake.
Stockton fixed his bandaid.
Valentine's day
I get to go in the boys classrooms (except Stockton) and take photos for their yearbook. Bretts had a normal party. Blake's grade decided to do a dance over a normal party.
Blake got his braces off! For now. isn't he cute??
I came home and found Brett wondering around in shorts and a tshirt.
East loves his preschool! He is at the Aggie lab. He goes 4 days a week for the afternoon.
I got in my car and called my mom and said get someone over her to check on her. She is not ok. Honestly I was scared that was the last time I would see her. Well long story short she had a UTI but the infection got into her blood. My aunts were with her soon after I left her house and got her to a dr. She hasn't been back to her home since (it's September 4th 2020 now) We are blessed this happened when it did though because we were able to visit her at the hospital.
The day the below photo was taken she was being moved over to the sunshine terrace for rehab to have her recover and get up and moving again. My Aunt Roxey had just found out they were moving her to the room my aunt Martha had died in. It was the only room they had open but she would only have to be there for a day or two until her room opened up. We were worried how she would react. And you know what she said when she got there? That she felt closer to her loved ones in that room. I asked her about that later and she said that it's all about your attitude. She just decided before that she would make the best of it. And she did. More on Grandma later.
Jr Jazz
Finishing up basketball season
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