Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

4 1/2 years ago I met Bryan in a student ward...

I was kind of off of men at the time so I wasn't too interested in dating.  But when Bryan asked me out I knew how much fun he was and thought at least it would be a fun date.  We had a great time but someone close to me liked him so I  backed off.  He didn't ask me out for another month or so but I saw him at church stuff all of the time.  

He later asked me to go to the rodeo and we had a blast!  On the way home we noticed some teenage girls car died in the middle of a intersection and no one was helping them.  Bryan hurried and pulled over to help them and I sat impressed in the car.  We started doing a lot together after that.  On my birthday while I was at school he filled my bedroom with 700 balloons that he had his family and friends help him fill up.  There was also a dozen red roses.  I was hooked.  He was just what I had wanted.  I never knew someone who cared about being with me so much.  

(Bryan dumped leaves on me, if you are wondering why they are in my hair)
Two months later we were engaged and two months after that we got married.  
This is a picture of the day we got engaged.  My  parents had just moved from our home in Idaho but the house hadn't sold yet.  We drove to Boise there and back in one day to visit my parents who had driven down to work on stuff on the house for the weekend and he proposed to me in the living room of the house where I grew up.  My parents were there in the room with us.  They felt really disconnected from us because they lived 10  hours away in Washington so this was Bryan's way to include them.  They  loved it.  So sweet of him. 
I never wanted to get married in the winter.  It was too cold and all of the flowers around the temple were going to be dead but I knew I wanted to marry him and I didn't want to wait 6 months just for flowers. I thought the snow would be pretty anyway... but there wasn't any.  Just rain!  Can you believe it?  It rained on my December wedding.  

4 years later I am still in love with my best friend.  I don't know anyone who is more fun to be around.  There is NEVER a dull moment with Bryan and those of you who know him well can attest to that.  In the last 4 years we have moved 3 times,  subdivided land for our subdivision, I graduated from college, bought and fixed up a 100 year old home and sold it and build a new one from the ground up.  Oh yeah, and a few months before our third anniversary I had our second child.  It's been crazy but so rewarding.  I love you Bryan!  Happy Anniversary!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Merry Christmas!

I've been behind on blogging!  A week after Christmas I got my anniversary and Tyson's birthday so this is a busy time for our family. We had a wonderful Christmas!  We spent Christmas Eve celebrating my Grandma Packs 89th birthday then to my in laws for dinner.  I spent all last month working on a slideshow video for Bryan's family of all their hunting trips.  Thanks to my sister in law for scanning them!  It turned out really cool and they loved it!  Then the kids did a little nativity thing and Ty was Joesph and his little cousin Abby that he follows around all the time was Mary.  Because the only baby in the family wasn't in the mood Laycee who is two sat in the basket to be our baby Jesus.  I loved it.  It was so cute to watch Ty sit there so good.  On Christmas morning we didn't have to get up until 8 (so nice!) and Ty was way into it.  He just wanted to unwrap everyones presents he didn't care if it was for him or not.  Blake just wandered around but he thought it was fun I'm sure. Bryan gave me a beautiful signed Liz Lemon Swindle painting (shown here) and my dad made me a (I'm not sure what they are called) but a shelve and seat to go in my laundry room.  It has baskets on top to put gloves and hats with hooks for coats and the seat opens up to put shoes inside.  Oh I love love love it! Well we braved the weather and drove to my parents house and the roads weren't too bad yet.  After we ate dinner it was snowing sidewise. We got snowed in their house because they closed a lot of the roads to get home.  The next morning we drove home and every road we drove on had at least a few inches of straight ice on it.  I couldn't believe it that in Utah that haven't cleared the roads very good.  The roads are STILL bad around my house.  We got like a foot of snow around my house. (You think I'm kidding?  Come plow my driveway!) but we made it ok.  All in all a wonderful Christmas.  I love this time of year.  

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Magic is Back!

I haven't been this excited about Christmas since I was a little kid.  I've been thinking and planning ahead for Christmas since October this year.  I got my boys shopping done weeks ago and have most of my presents wrapped.  I'm just so excited.  Tyson really is starting to understand what Christmas is and tells me about Santa and his presents.  He tells me he wants a riding lawn mower and a snow blower.  What a boy.  I keep tying to explain that Santa can't fit those things in his sleigh.  I just hope he isn't mad on Christmas when there isn't a lawn mower under the tree.  He does know that Christmas is Jesus birthday. All he knows is after Jesus birthday it will be his soon.  I can't believe my little guy is almost 3!
A couple of weeks ago at our ward Christmas party a member of the ward dressed up as Santa and they took some pictures of Ty with him.  Well last night we had a knock at the door and I could see Santa through the window in my door.  When I opened the door he asked for Tyson and the look on Ty's face to see Santa there just for him was PRICELESS!  So cute!  He ran right to him and gave him a huge hug.  Santa brought him pictures of them together at the party and Ty is carrying them around my house.  What a sweet boy.  
I'm sorry to those of you who didn't receive a Christmas card from us.  Know we love you and hope  you have a wonderful holiday season with your families!!  

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Family Memories

It's almost a week until Christmas!!  I couldn't be more excited!  We have had a ruff few days in our house thought. Blake woke up Sunday with a stomach bug that is going around here and threw up all morning.  I couldn't keep anything down the poor little guy.  Now he is shooting from the other end but acting and eating much better.  This is his 4 day of this.  Then Bryan got the bug yesterday and hasn't left his bed much in fact is still there I've disinfecting the entire house like 10 times trying not to catch it. Ty hasn't had it either so I'm bracing myself.  I hope it's gone before Christmas!
When Bryan was growing up they had Santa come to  his Palmer family Christmas parties at his Grandma Palmers house and Santa would bring them a present. Well my father in law bought his parents house 
when they passed away and rents it now and my brother in law and his wife now live there.  So what a perfect time to have the same Santa come like he has for like that last 20 years and give our kids presents.  It's rare to have all of us together so I hurrtied a got a cousin picture and you can tell Blake wasn't very happy.  As soon as Santa came in the room Ty sat right in front of him.  It's SO cute to see him being so excited to see Santa.  He ran up when Santa called his name to give him a present.  What a dear boy.  What a fun family tradition.  This is the first year we did our own Santa.
A family from here in the valley last week died in the canyon in a car accident leaving two little kids behind.  Bryan knew the dad from high school, even going hunting with him a few times.  It's so sad to think 
about those poor kids that no longer have parents.  When  my father in law went out to pay Santa after he was done (who is a friend of the family) he told him that he was scheduled to do a family party for the couple that died and of course they cancelled.  The Santa said he looks at these family parties different after that.  We are so lucky to be able to all be together.  Especially my nieces who have had a lot of health problems.   I don't know what I would do without my kids.  I've really been thinking about how fast they are growing up and trying to appreciate it more.  I love the funny things they do.  Ty last night started singing a song about deer hunting in the middle of his prayer (I'm sure the Lord will forgive him for
 that) and little Blake who loves dancing around my house.  So cute.  I'm so thankful to my husband for making a way for me to be able to stay home with my kids.  It wouldn't be fair for someone else to enjoy them instead of me.  

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

O Christmas Tree

I love that Tyson is now old enough to kind of pose for pictures- just as Blake never holds still or looks at the camera when I want him too.  They do LOVE the tree though.  If Blake is balling about something I'll say "lets go turn on our Christmas tree!" And he says "tree?" and runs over to it.  It's so cute.  
Last week we were driving to my inlaws for dinner and Ty saw all of
 the lights for the first time . Every time he saw a house he would yell "Christmas lights!  Hi Christmas lights!" Then giggle.  What a funny kid.  I love this time of year. I love looking out my front doors glass window and seeing my neighbors Christmas lights.  I honestly don't care if I
 get anything this year I'm just so excited for my kids on Christmas morning.  I can already see Ty running into the living room and freaking out with all of the presents under the tree.  
So I couldn't believe it the other day.  We went and filled up the Civic with gas and it cost us 14 bucks!  I was in SHOCK!  I remember paying up to 40 last summer- I'm sure isn't wasn't all the way empty this time but I don't care.  I love these gas prices.  My brother in law always says it's free.  It's feels free.  
Last night Bryan and I went to his company party where they had a murder mystery theater do the entertainment.  The theme was a "night at the oscars"  and I thought it was really fun.  Bryan's president of the company and the owner sat down at our table so Bryan and his friend Dave had to behave themselves.  I was worried he would say dumb comments about the performers the whole night but to tell you the truth I think he liked it.  When the President of the company was introduced to me he told me how he fought to bring Bryan over to their company last spring- he really wanted him there and he has been worth it.  Bryan has worked his tail off there and it has really paid off for him.  I'm so proud of him for working so hard.  We have had a LONG semester with school and work and I'm happy tomorrow is his last final.  I've been a pain to live with because he has been gone a lot and I feel bad because I keep forgetting how hard it is for him to never be home. 
One last story (can you tell my kids are asleep so I can actually type?).  Ty woke up Monday and came out to the living room and told me daddy is in bed.  I told him that Dad was at work and he got mad and yelled that he was in bed.  So I told him to go check for himself and when he saw Bryan wasn't there he started BALLING!  He felt so bad Bryan was gone.  I let him call his dad so he knew he was ok and just at work.  I hope Bryan will have time to spend some time with the boys and I durning the break.  We have missed him!

Monday, December 8, 2008

All Blake wants for Christmas is his two front teeth

Every year Bryan's extended family does a big party and has Santa come and give the kids a treat.  This is the first year Tyson has even really cared about Santa so when it was his turn he ran up to him.  It was so cute.  I can't wait to Christmas this year!
Ty told Santa he wanted a riding lawn mower like his Grandpas.  Good gravy my two year old already wants the big gifts!  
We were just happy Blake didn't cry on Santa's lap.  
My sweet boys.  Blake is now 14 1/2 months old and has NO TEETH!  NOT ONE!  I think they are finally coming in but in the mean time I keep singing "all Blake wants for Christmas is his two front teeth".

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Holidays are Here!

Yesterday we went with Bryan's family down to SLC to go to cableas and Ikea shopping then to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights.  My kids did a lot better then I thought they would!  I love going to do fun things and making fun memories for my kids.  

Our family at temple square.  I swear all of Salt Lake City was there!  It took us about a half hour just to find a parking space.  It wasn't too cold though so it made it a nice night to get out.  
The cousins!  With Bryan and Grandpa.  

The only way to get a group shot is to yell look and just take what you get.  

Thanksgiving my boys started playing with this old box and Bryan was pushing them around the floor.  They were loving it!  I love to see my kids playing together.  
We went to my Aunt Roxeys house for Thanksgiving with my parents, grandparents and Aunt Martha and her kids.  We had a great time together with some fantastic food.  Roxey has a putting green in her yard and my boys had a ball playing on it.  
Yes we already put up our tree.  I couldn't wait!  My kids LOVE it and knock on wood the boys haven't bothered it very much.  The bottom foot is empty so I'm sure that's helping.  I'll put a picture of it all put up later.  
A quick story- the day after Thanksgiving my sister in law Katie and I decided to head out and try to get some deals early. We left just after 6 and everything I wanted at Wal-Mart was GONE!  I couldn't believe it!  They weren't even the big huge deals.  We went to shopko and had the same problem there.  Then when we went out to her van at 8 am the front tire was totally flat.  So we had to call for help and wait.  I think this is the first time in my 4 years of knowing her that we got out with ANY of our kids and this happens.  At least I got one thing and Katie got a couple of things.  Oh well.  At least I'm just about done with my shopping.  

Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Trees

We were able to go up into Idaho and cut down our Christmas trees again this year.  It's a tradition we do with Bryan's family.  There wasn't too much snow yet this year which was nice so my kids could run around a little easier.  Everyone was gone for about two hours looking for a tree so Ty and Blake had a lot of time to run around.  We got another beautiful tree this year.  We may set it up early because I'm so excited for Christmas this year! 
Ty sledding with his cousins.  He loves being with cousins!
Thanks to my dad and his Columbia sportswear account he had my kids are head to toe Columbia.  They were warm at least!
Ty got to be there when Bryan cut down our tree.  He thought that was great!  That's our tree behind Bryan.  The huge one- I'm not sure it's going to fit in my house!

The only proof I came. I need to make sure I get pictures of me just so my kids now I did spend everyday of my life with them.  

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The lawn mower

So the other night I got woken up by Tyson standing in my door way.  I was kind of out of it but Blake still wakes up once or twice a night so my body is used to being up.  I asked him what was wrong and he said "I'm wet mom".  Neither of my kids have had their diaper leak for a really long time so I couldn't believe it.  I went in his room and sure enough his bed was all wet.  So after changing his bed and his PJ's I settled him down just as Blake woke up.  I went to his room and was rocking him back to sleep and I felt this warm sensation on my lap.  His diaper leaked and now him and I were both wet!  What is going on!  So he woke up and I had to change him and start all over again getting him back to sleep.  Such is the life of a mother I guess. 

We have been hitting the potty training thing pretty hard the last month or so and Ty knew if he would go potty for a day or two without one accident I would give him this toy lawn mower.  He finally did it!  He has done pretty bad after he got it thought so it depends on the day if he has it or if I had to take it away.  I think Blake likes it more then Ty if that's possible.  We have had a LONG week with Bryan working long hours and going to school.  I think I'm going to go totally crazy.  
My baby is turning into a toddler!  So sad! But very cute!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Messy boy!
I'm not sure any of the pudding go in his mouth.  Here's hoping! 
Fun weekend with my parents.  "Buddy Papa and Grandma" as my kids call them.  
I think the one on the right acts more like a kid then the one on the left.  

Sorry everyone for the trouble of changing my blog address on their page.  I know I may sound a little paranoid but after my mom read me a article out of the Deseret News about people doing horrible things to their kids faces from their blog and how easy it is to get info I decided to leave my last name off my blog (it was in the address, that's what bothered me most, my bad!).  Most likely I will end up going private sometime but for now we will just do this.  

So I had a traumatic experience at the hobby lobby today.  I was my hope that we could be in and out but you know how that goes.  Ty didn't want to sit in the cart so I let him down.  He then got into EVERYTHING and was pulling things off the shelves.  Then after I put him back in the back of the cart (their carts are tiny, hardly enough room for Blake) while I wasn't looking he was pulling the stickers apart I wanted to buy and even threw them out of the cart.  Not sure where in the store but they were gone.  I got to the tree ornaments and let him out to pick his (I let the kids pick a new one every year) and he proceeded to break some.  I mean honestly what did I expect?  I'm dealing with a kid who is not quite 3 but I was going crazy.  Of course Blake was screaming most of the time.  Then I checked out and had to show the lady how most everything I bought was on sale which took forever and my kids were just yelling.  Oh man.  The worst thing is she rang up something twice at it's full price so I paid about 18 bucks too much.  I didn't realize that until I was looking at the receipt on  the way home but I wasn't about to turn around and go back.  I hope they believe me when I go back tomorrow and tell them what happened.  At least the day has been better since.  Now I know what I never go anywhere.  What a pain in the butt.