Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Family Tradition

Every year we drive to Idaho to cut down Christmas trees. Only Bryan's brothers families came but we had a great time.
Our BEAUTIFUL tree! I don't have my pictures of it decorated on the computer yet so I'll show it later.
A rare picture of Bryan and I- Looking stupid as always. He really is a handsome guy- it's too bad I don't have many pictures to prove it.
Bryan's brother and his family. They just moved away and we already really miss them!
Blake's diaper leaked really bad and this was the only way we could think of to dry them. They never really dried and he had to ware his snow pants as pants on the way home.
My sister in law and I held down the fort at the cars with the kids while they guys got the trees. It takes at least a couple of hours so it's hard to keep them busy the whole time sometimes. This year wasn't too bad at least. Blake didn't like his snow cloths AT ALL at first but he got used to it.
My nephews. They named the snowman but I can't remember what it was.
My cute nephew just wondered up to a tree and sat down for awhile. He is so cute.
The boys built forts while we waited. My boys had a blast. What a fun family tradition.


Curtis and Deedra said...

I remember going tree hunting a couple times up in Donnelly, ID. Maybe next year we'll try getting a real tree since our kids are getting old enough to enjoy it.

Brittney said...

How fun! And I am so jealous! Micah and I usually go, but this year with our tire blowing out we weren't able to go. Looks like you had so much fun! Cute Blake not wanting to wear his snow clothes. How did you get him to get used to it?

blair and maisy said...

Nice tree! Happy holidays :)

The Mendon Packs said...

Love your tree! What a great tradition. We do it off and on. You boys are so cute and growing too quickly!