Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, December 18, 2009

Home on the Range (shooting range)

For anyone with kids you know how hard it is to get them all looking nice at you for a picture. So I'm proud of this picture even though Ty looks funny.
So if you know my two year old you know he is a little crazy about his guns. I know my husband has a little to do with that because hey I don't mind going shooting (it's actually pretty fun) but I don't talk about it all the time like he does. But Ty was exposed as much as Blake and Blake is the gun nut in our house. He even sleeps with his toy guns and we wake up every morning to him pulling the trigger on it. So Bryan decided to take the boys 22 shooting a couple of weeks ago. Before you have a heart attack know my hubby is really obsessive crazy about safety and we make sure they NEVER touched the gun without him holding it the whole time. They also had to say in the car while the other shot. My boys LOVED it though. It was really cold so they didn't shot for too long. Ty liked it better then Blake but I attribute that to the cold weather.

Yes my husband is a member of the NRA and a concealed weapons permit holder. We are gun rights fans in this home. I honestly would love to learn to shot better because if someone ever tired to hurt my family in my home they are asking for it.


Kandace said...

Hey! I'll take the class with you! Let's do it!!!

Meikjn said...

crazy. only in the west.

blair and maisy said...

That's right- don't mess with the Palmers :) My boys would LOVE to go shooting. I already know it would be their favorite thing to do.

Becki and Gibb and Sammi said...

Cute blog Heather! Merry Christmas!