Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You better watch out! You better not cry!

I can't believe how close to Christmas it is! I'm so excited to see how excited my boys will be. Ty gets what Christmas is and about Santa but he can't figure out the how long until it's Christmas. I tell him it's 10 days away and he says "tomorrow?" and I try to explain it to him again. Oh well! We have been sick around here (again) for the last few days so I hope Blake doesn't get it in time for Christmas.
Our tree- we get the monster trees for our house. I LOVE it! It smells so good. Notice the bottom couple of feet are bare- I'm sure you parents out there understand why. Notice my cute stockings hanging on the shelve next to the tree. I made those a few years ago. Yeah, I'm pretty proud of them.
We have a tradition of letting the boys pick out a ornament for the tree every year. Ty picked out this deer. Bryan was a little bothered it was a white tail deer (I guess we are just mule deer hunters in this house... whatever) and Blake's is a basketball in a hoop.
I was a little too brave and had Ty help me make sugar cookies. Wow what a mess what was. But at least he had fun.
Blake didn't help make but he helped eat the cookies.
He only eats the frosting on them though.
Ho ho ho!

Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

Adam and Aubrey said...

I am quite impressed with your stockings. I'd love to see a better picture of them! You are a crafty devil!

I am so excited for Christmas! It gets so much better when you have kids! I love it!

I love the deer ornament, I wouldn't have a clue what kind it was. You peeps are hard core!