Ever since Bryan was a little kid his Grandma Palmer had santa come before Christmas and give them one gift early. Bryan's parents have carried on the tradition.

I was worried Blake would be scared of Santa but he talked up a storm to him. He loved it! And the next day when we saw Santa he was the first one up on his lap.

Ty is telling santa he wants a John Deere tractor that plows and rakes up the dirt.

The fam with Santa.

If you ask Blake what he wants for Christmas it's always the same answer "a big gun to shoot big bullets to shoot the big Buck!" this is what Santa brought him. He loves it. I told him to shoot the stupid deer that nibbled the trunk of my little peach tree in my yard. I HATE the deer eating my yard up and they do it a lot.

Tyson really wanted a Dr. kit for Christmas. He likes this blues clues movie we have where they play like they are going to the dr and I think that is where he got if from. He has been listening to my heart and checking my blood pressure ever since.

The Boys with Grandpa Palmer. He was helping load Blakes gun.
How fun! I was confused at first by the fact that he wanted a doctor, but I got it! A doctor kit! Blake looks so big!!
Man! I want to get a Santa to come and see my kids (in like...3 years when I have kids) every Christmas!!! How fun!!!
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