Who knew the PJ's would be such a favorite? They went CRAZY! They were flying around and acting tuff. Ty insisted last night that I call him buzz and not Ty.

My parents have a spa so the boys enjoyed it. Blake wouldn't get in so I stayed with him.

He is Actually smiling. It's my Christmas miracle.

I have been working on this blanket for months and got it done a few weeks ago. I knew when he opened it he wouldn't be very excited. In fact it was in a diaper box so I could wrap it and when he unwrapped it he was mad thinking I gave him diapers and wouldn't open the box. I had to open if for him. He sleeps with it now.

Bryan got the boys swords.... not a mom choice of gift. They are always hitting each other.

He wouldn't put his sword down. My dad bought the boys a sled so the guys ran them around the yard. Blake had to bring the sword with him. I love his little face in this picture.

My mom got Tyson a shirt and tie. I think he looks dang cute but he doesn't like it. It will take some talking into.

This is Blake's normal shooting face. The kid is crazy about his new guns.

The new tent with a tunnel my parents got the boys. You know what I love about Christmas now I am a mom? How happy my kids are to go and play with their toys and leave me in peace for a few minutes. Ah- how I love the holidays!
We got our kids the same tent and tunnel, but it broke so we went with a better brand. I can't wait until it comes because they loved it. What brand is yours. How in the heck did you make that blanket! Teach me!
That quilt is so cute and so Ty.
Heather - you are a sewing fool! I need some serious lessons. Tell Bryan when the snow hits, he's welcome to try out that bad boy on our driveway whenever he wants!
My boy got the exact same pjs for his birthday this year and he LOVES them. In fact, he wore them all day two days in a row this week. Finally had to put them in the wash because he got food on them. He LOVES Buzz Lightyear! Looks like you had a great Christmas!
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