Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Idaho Trip Day 2

We made the beautiful drive up above Rexburg to a little hike to see a old railroad tunnel. We lucked out and the clouds moved away from the Tetons so we could see them for a good part of our drive. It was beautiful. I had a lot of anxiety about the drop off on our hike but we were totally fine. The boys dug up a railroad stake out of the ground that must be 100 years old.

The Tetons are behind us but the clouds are covering them.

Bryan is standing on top- he is luck the old wood didn't give out and fall 30 feet. There were trees growing on top of it. A sign said it was built is like 1908- It was really cool.
Stockton did really good. I don't recommend feeding a baby on a rock covered in ants though...

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