Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fathers Day

I'm not sure if Bryan had a good fathers day but I think it went pretty good.
We went to Cabelas to get his present he has wanted for awhile. The boys really liked all the animals.
On the way to Cabelas- I LOVE out DVD player and wireless headphones.
We went to Summerfest the week before fathers day- I always wish I had a lot of money when I go to it because everything I like is really expensive. But the boys liked the snow cone I bought them. We went with my sister in law Becca and Heather and their kids.
Ty on the tramp
Stockton on the tramp. He loved it! I love his crazy hair!
My favorite people-- I love my kids.


Adam and Aubrey said...

haha! That first picture cracks me up! I love Stocktons hair on the tramp. Trampolines are so fun for that. I've never been to Cabellas! I'll have to go there sometime!

Camey said...

The last picture of your boys is frameable! To die for!! Stockton is a doll!