Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This is my new vacuum cleaner- He is very efficient. Doesn't leave one thing left on the ground that can fit into his mouth. The only thing you have to watch for is him finding things that are too large for his little mouth. What a little stinker.

As hard as I try it's borders on the line of impossible for me to keep my house extreamly clean for this little guy. I have been trying to have my boys do some chores to help me out but it takes 10 times as long to help them then to do it myself. I wish I was a neat freak I really, really do. It's just not in my to constantly clean my dang house! My goal is to keep the floor under the toys clean. I feel bad because Bryan's mom is a OCD type of cleaner so he is used to everything being so clean you can eat off of it. I honestly don't know how people do it. I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time so I end up cleaning like 5 things at once and it takes a long time. Someday when my kids are older I know it will be easier but for today I'll just be frustrated. Don't get me wrong- my house isn't gross or anything. I just have can't keep the house spotless. We had a friend stop by yesterday and wanted to see the house. I had it pretty clean- all I really needed was like 5 minutes to pick up a few toys and clean off the counter but I was really embarrassed it wasn't really clean. If I had known he was coming I would have spent all day deep cleaning the house. It is what it is! Take me or leave me, I'm only human.

Housework never killed anyone- but why risk it!


Heidi said...

Yay! new camera!!! THat's so exciting!

...and I totally sympathize with you on the cleaning...though I'm sure you manage to keep your house cleaner than mine...One day I'll figure it all out!

Janet said...

housework is over rated! a clean house is the sign of a sick mind!
even when the boys are big it still takes 10 times longer for them to do things then to do it yourself! just saying!

Camey said...

Your house is always clean! I am always cleaning and mine never look clean- it is so overrated!