Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's way better then a farm... it's the Gibson's!

So we have this sweet couple in my ward that we are starting to be pretty good friends with. Bryan knows Jeff from being in young mens and they invited us over to dinner a few weeks ago. After I saw their amount of animals I knew my boys needed to see it. So the Gibson's were nice enough to let us come invade their home last Sunday with my boys to see their anmials. Sue takes some of them to do a animal therapy sort of thing up at the hospital and other places. She has bunnys, birds, lots of chickens and horses. The chickens are so tame and the little horse stormy (a horse) is tame enough to get on the elevator at the hospital and ride up to see patients there. So we had a great time.
Blake on Stormy. It's such a cute little horse! And Blake wasn't even scared of it which surprised me.

Sue has to clean her chickens to take them places (who would want to hold a chicken covered in poop?) so they are cleaned and blowed dried. She says the LOVE the blow dryer. We didn't do that, but the boys did get to help get some eggs.
This one is my favorite chicken and it's name is zizzy. You might need to click on the picture to get it better to really see it well but the head of this chicken is so funny. It looks like it has a afro.

I didn't get very many good photos of all the different kinds of chickens she has. The boys got to feed them cheese (they love cheese) and Blake even let them eat it out of his hand. Ty had no problem being with all of the animals. He is already asking when we can go back.

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