Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, August 29, 2011

My Kindergartner

Tyson had his official first day of kindergarten last Friday where he went his normal time with me there. It's odd for me to be hurrying to get the kids up and moving by 9, which I know isn't that early, but to get them all fed and dressed to take Ty to school is a new thing for me. My niece asked Ty if there were any cute girls in his class and he said "there are two." Oh laws if that is already started heaven help me. His teachers name is Mrs. Searle and she seems pretty nice. All Ty really cares about is playing at recess and play time in class.
We live close enough to the school that he can't ride the bus so I walk to pick him up. I like doing that so far but I'm sure one day I'll have to drive because I didn't plan far enough ahead.

Isn't he handsome? Tomorrow I send Blake to preschool and Bryan started his 6th year of Utah State today. (no he isn't a "super senior" he has just been plugging away at it for a long time!) I'm so proud of Bryan for how well he has done in school. If you knew him in high school you would know he was a huge goof off. He was never dumb just lazy back then so he pretty much had to start college from scratch. He has only had to retake one class so far (and the teacher was a jerk, over 50% of the class had to retake it) and has a 3.1 GPA. To go to school and support a family at the same time is incredible. I'm so proud of him and THANKFUL he is doing to be done by next summer!

1 comment:

Heather said...

What a handsome must be the Palmer curse. I love the color in the picture!