I got a Nikon d3100 last Tuesday for my birthday (which isn't for another two weeks but there was no way I was waiting to use it!). I used to have a sweet film camera back in the day but who uses film anymore? I had some decent point and shoot cameras but I've been dreaming of a nice camera for years. With the help of teaching violin lessons and my parents I had enough money to get my camera! My poor kids are sick of getting their picture taken already. It takes pictures so fast and they look so good. I'm have a lot to learn with it but so far I'm in love.
We decided to take the boys up to Tony Grove and hike around last week so we got so dinner and headed up there. If you live in Cache Valley YOU HAVE TO GO! The flowers were so beautiful even if you just stayed around the parking lot. I love living so close to someplace so beautiful. Bryan loaded Stockton in our kids backpack and off we went. My boys all loved it. I was stopping to take too many picture though and Blake turned to me and said "mom quit taking pictures of me." I just couldn't help but laugh. Bryan isn't into pictures as much as I am and it sounded like something he would say. I just need to figure out my photoshop and I'll be set! And oh yeah, have time to use it.
He is dancing
1 comment:
That is a nice pack! I need one of those! I need to get photoshop, but I know I could never figure that out! Did it come with your camera? Miss you and hope you birthday was great!
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