Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, August 8, 2011


We made the drive up to the Idaho Falls area for Bryan's Mom's family reunion. She has a sister that lives up there and her brother and his 6 kids came up (they are younger kids). Poor Stockton came down with a ear infection the day before we were supposed to leave so we waited a extra day to help him feel better but it didn't help much. The amoxicillin he was on made him puke and he was still fevering when we went up. I didn't know he was be as bad as he was. I'm sure a lot of the family was ticked off at us for bringing him. But ear infections are not contagious so we brought him. Oh well. Thursday was really bad but he did better after that. My older boy had the time of their lives though. Bryan's aunt Rhea's house is a little boys paradise! There is a pond with fish, frogs, sand boxes, tractors and cows. They loved it. We went to a cool splash park, the sand dunes, and Mesa falls. Then they rented a bounce house for the little kids and the older ones floated the cannel. It ended with some fireworks. My brother and sister in law housed all of the Palmers too- 28 including them- in the house. Thank goodness they house was big enough for us! We had a great time though- so grateful for family to be around.
The grandkids minus a couple of kids that wouldn't get in the picture
Blakes first fish he caught

I need to get me one of these bubble machines- the kids loved it.
Mesa falls- Bryan helped Sanette down the stairs with Stockton on his back.
Stockton liked riding around in the backpack
Our little family next to Mesa falls.
Rhea's pond- Blake and Ty both went around in the raft. I'm so glad I brought their lifejackets so they could do that.

The bounce house- this is my nephew James , Blake, Ty and Uncle Ivan's boy Ben.
Sick Stockton with Grandpa
Merry go round
Blake (on left) at the splash park. I was so amazed he went down that slide! He is usually so afraid of stuff like that!!

1 comment:

Camey said...

Sounds like Allyson. We left to WA with her having 103 temp from an ear infection and it took 2 times ton the doctor or them to figure out! Where is that splash park? Can you message me? I want to maybe stop at it in our way home.