Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rodeo and Fair

We love to go to the fair every year especially to see the animals and go to the rodeo. The rodeo holds a special place in my heart because that is where Bryan and I went on our second date and we started dating a lot after that. I don't get to just sit and enjoy it like I did back then though now we have three crazy boys to watch. Stock did pretty good though considering how late it was and everything. Of course we have to see all the tractors too while we are there. Ty still loves his tractors.

My grandma camer over with my parents the other day. I thought we needed a 4 generation photo. She is going on 92 this year!
I got my new camera this week! It's a Nikon d3100 and I LOVE it! I've been deleting a lot of photos off my computer (don't feel too bad I have like 5500 photos on here) so I have a little more space for all the new ones I'm going to have. I really need to add memory to my computer...

1 comment:

Camey said...

I need to add memory to mine too! I am so jealous of your camera! I want one bad! Are the pictures so much clearer?