I'm doing really bad on my picture a day thing- I missed like 4 days in a row. Oh well- here is what I have! On Presidents day it was nice to have Tyson home without having to run him to school. We spent a lot of time playing play doh.

Family home evening on Feb. 25th started with Stockton being Darth Vader and getting daddy with the force.
Feb. 26th Stockton found the moose bottle and a pencil, sat up to my music stand after teaching violin lessons and started to "play". Blake also wanted a picture of him being a jedi. Feb. 27th started Brett's croup. It's the worse case I think my kids have ever had but it didn't have a fever which is sort of odd. His poor body just couldn't fight it with everything else going on. (see post below.) Then on top of that a few days later I noticed he was getting his first tooth!
Brett wasn't happy to be at the Dr.'s on Feb. 28th. It's the third time in a month I've brought him in. The good news as of March 10th he is doing awesome!! He is finally getting better!
March 1st starts the first day of our trip to disneyland!!! We went down to my mom's after Bryan got done with work. Stockton found my brothers old star wars legos and had a ball.
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