Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jedi training

My boys are pretty obsessed about Star wars if you couldn't tell so I knew we would have to go to the jedi training while we were in Disneyland.  We caught the tale end of one show so I made a big effort to get their early for the next one.  They started pulling kids from the audience and they picked BOTH of my boys!  I was glad they picked both of them because Ty would have felt bad if they only picked Blake.  They "trained" them how to use a light saber.  Then darth vader and Darth Maul came out and they kids got to fight them.  My boys LOVED IT!  Even Stockton who was sitting on my lap was loving it.  We were on the front row (I really did get their early) and so Darth Maul was walking a foot away from us.  I'll try to up load the videos of them fighting vader but I'm not sure if Blogger will let me or not.

 Ty isin the middle and Blake is behind and farther away behind him.

seriously what is cooler to a 7 and 5 year old then fighting the real Darth Vader! Nothing.  =) I love Disneyland.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

How fun! And I'm jealous you went to Disneyland. My kiddos want to go so bad...and we won't be able to go until after residency(hopefully!)...dang it!!

Sorry it's taken so long to answer your question. I just realized you'd commented on the R2 cupcakes.'s basically how I made them:

I placed two cupcakes on top of each other (cutting off the rounded top on the bottom cupcake-frosting in-between. Then I just sculpted the two until they looked like they fit together. Then frosted them white.

I used an easy fondant recipe for the blue square/rectangle decorations (plus m&ms and fruit snacks) which I'd found online. But the fondant didn't taste very good, and I wish I'd have just tried cutting up blue airheads instead of the fondant. (much tastier!)

And for the legs, I melted white almond bark in a plastic baggie, squirted it out on wax paper in the shape of R2's legs...and added a piece of marshmallow (half oval) to the bottom, to make the feet look thicker. I hope this makes sense.

They were a little crazy...a few of them kept tipping over:) but the kiddos thought they were great!