Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Longest Disneyland Post EVER!

Instead of breaking it up here is my Disney trip in one huge post! 
As I said in my last post my nikon d3100 camera quit working and I was so sick about it.  I love taking pictures and I was sad the only thing I had was my phone.  I was up with Brett that night before our first day in the park and I was on my phone looking up troubling shooting ideas for my camera online and I read something about the timer.  It was like a wave of inspiration hit me and I knew what was wrong.  Before it went weird the day before it was on the timer and I turned it off while it was trying to take a picture and it must have messed it up.  So I laid Brett down and went into the bathroom so I wouldn't wake anyone up and turned it on the timer and took a picture.  That one didn't work.  So I took another normal picture AND IT WORKED!  I honestly cried.  I cried that God would answer my prayer over something so silly as my camera working.  We would have been fine without it but it would have upset me the whole trip as silly as that sounds.  I cried that after feeling so bad about how things kept going wrong for us that something so simple went right.  At that point no matter what else was going to happen I wasn't going to care because God at least helped me with my camera.  I'm totally aware of how stupid that sounds but that's ok.  

 Our trip last year here the boys cried about riding the tower or terror and we never did it.  They have cried about riding it the whole year since too.  Bryan bribed them and they still wouldn't do it.  Finally Blake said he would (with tears in his eyes) and Ty went too.  They were SO happy after they did it that they were brave enough to go on it.  I was so proud of them too! (don't worry it wasn't the first ride we went on.  My pictures are totally out of order)
We had the best time in Disneyland!!  The weather was PERFECT the first day!
 Bryan and Stockton in front of small world
 Getting ready to ride star tours! I never got to go on it the last time we went being pregnant then and all so I was so excited to go this time.  Blake was so into it.
 Our fam- with on one looking at the camera.
 Brett liked it's a small world.  It was about the only ride he did like.  He cried a lot.  But not as much as Stockton.  Stock was horrible!  He was scared and wanted to 'go home go home!' on like every ride.  especially if it was in the dark for a second like pirates.  He was a mess.

 Stock ESPECIALLY hated the bugs life show.  He did better when we went later with Bryan.  He balled through the whole thing. Above is Blake and his cousin Luke.

 Cars Land- So cool! It really did look just like the movie.  The best part was the cars ride.  So worth going on.

 Getting a little cozy at the cone-

 Since Stockton hated most of the rides I wanted to find something he did like and that was the mickey mouse characters.  Pluto he loves and gave hugs and everything to.  
I went over to ride splash mountain when the park opened and it was broken down for a little bit but tigger and pooh were just standing there so we ran over and got a picture.  I told Tigger Stockton was him for halloween and he hopped up and down.  Stockton gave them all hugs too.  He loved it!
 For some reason chip and dale are his favorite so I had to make sure to get a photo when them too.

 He did like the dumbo ride and he LOVED donald duck.

 I made the boys go on splash mountain with me because it's my favorite.  As you can see they were totally freaked out.  Blake freaked out the whole time even though I think he has been on it like 5-6 times.
 Cars land and it's a bugs life show.  Brett was so good this trip. His illness went away and all of his rashes were so much better.  He is such a sweetie.

 Lightening McQueen talks and moves a little bit when you get your picture with him.  SO cool!
 Ty really wanted a picture with goofy.  goofy didn't like his mickey hat.
The boys were really tired our second night out of the park and feel asleep.  Stockton didn't take a nap our entire trip.  Maybe that is why he freaked out all the time!

 Toon Town.
 Bryan and his dad.  It was so much fun to be there with Bryan's whole family!  We didn't all stay together really ever but we saw everyone everyday at one point or another for awhile.  It made it so much fun to have the kids cousins there.
Haha look at Tyson's face in this picture.  Love it!

So my highlights of this trip were- the jedi training which I'm doing it's own post after this. Riding space mountain with Blake, reaching over to hold his  handing thinking he was freaked out and feeling his arms up in the air.  Totally shocked me.  What a stud.  Tower of Terror which my boys were SO scared to ride it and Blake decided he would brave it and with tears in his eyes told Bryan he would go.  He was so proud of himself that he did it (tyson too) when it was over they were bouncing off the walls.  I was so proud of them for going even though they were so scared.  The grizzly bear rapids ride with my niece Laycee.  She giggled the whole time.  Sannette not wanting to get off it's a small world because she loved it so much.  THE WEATHER!!  I was depressed to leave it was so nice!  It was by far our best disneyland trip we have ever been on.  My kids (all but Stock) had such a great time.  I loved seeing them have so much fun.

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