Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, April 12, 2019

January 2019

We started off new years in Wyoming. The boys were going to go ice fishing. Something Tyson had dreamed about for months. The night of new years eve got extremely cold in Wyoming though. Even some of Cory's pipes froze! It was -23 degrees with the wind chill. It was too dangerous for them to ice fish so we just hung out with Cory's family.

 The kids still went out and made a snow fort.

Confession- I'm the worst mother in the entire world. Worst ever. No one will ever be worse. I've spent the last two hours looking on my computer for pictures from Tyson's 13th birthday. I know I took some! Of him opening presents and blowing out the candles on his cake. I know I did! I'm not sure if they ever made it to my computer. I just deleted my memory cards just the other day too. I'm honestly sick about it. Out of all things to delete. Here are the few I can find.
 I took Ty to cafe rio for his lunch. Brett was sick so he was missing school. I picked him up from lunch from school.
 Bryan takes a photo like this every year with Ty. Not too much longer Ty will be too tall to do this!
 Crappy iPad photo of Ty with his hammock he got for his birthday.
For the first time ever our church made a huge announcement the effected my sweet little Blake. He was now able to get the priesthood in January instead of waiting until October when he turns 12. Kids that turn 12 in that year get to move up out of primary. It made it so My little Blake was going to be a deacon with Tyson. He received the priesthood from his dad on January 13th 2019. Both Grandpa's where there to stand in along with our bishop Brett McEvoy. Both Grandma's and Great Grandma Jenkins where there as well.

Skiing in the backyard

I found him like this. I guess his water was too hot!
Sannette performed in the high school talent show and I got to go watch her!

His captain underpants underwear. The cape is my favorite. Blake says when he farts the cape will flap around hahaha!
Helping big brother shovel the driveway.

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