Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fathers Day

I'm not sure if Bryan had a good fathers day but I think it went pretty good.
We went to Cabelas to get his present he has wanted for awhile. The boys really liked all the animals.
On the way to Cabelas- I LOVE out DVD player and wireless headphones.
We went to Summerfest the week before fathers day- I always wish I had a lot of money when I go to it because everything I like is really expensive. But the boys liked the snow cone I bought them. We went with my sister in law Becca and Heather and their kids.
Ty on the tramp
Stockton on the tramp. He loved it! I love his crazy hair!
My favorite people-- I love my kids.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Last Cancun Post I Promise!

Our last day in Cancun we got up early and spent a lot of time at the pool. We had to check out by noon and ended up at the airport for awhile.

Tyson's says his favorite memory of Cancun is "Playing in the pool and eating lunch. Running in the sand. My favorite part of the ocean was seeing the fish (that would swim around our legs). I like the ice cream too. I like watching TV in our room. My last favorite part is the train. And riding the plane but not far away. (at the dallas airport. ) And the lifeguard that slipped. (he laughs) and the kid pool. There are palm trees and and the coconuts are in the tree but I didn't like the pelicans because they could pick up Stockton. I didn't like the rain but I liked the hot there. I liked the red leaves and yellow. Yeah I want to go back to Cancun."

Blake's favorite part of Cancun was "I was playing in the pool and playing in the sand and downstairs and upstairs. And playing the games but not the Wii. I didn't like the ocean but I liked the sand. I liked when I was under the bike ride in the jungle. I like the iguana lizard too- it was BIG! It was trying to bite you Ty (not really). Cancun is very good and I liked the yogurt. Sometimes at Cancun I saw the iguana on the palm tree. I liked holding the bird, birds are nice but not magpies. I liked to jump in the swimming pool. I would splash in the pool. And I love everything at Cancun, everything. That's all. And I always want to go everywhere in Cancun.
I just thought this was funny- this was in the Dallas airport.
Ty and Uncle Nate

Stockton LOVED the ice cream- we could go get some pretty much anytime we wanted. Don't worry we didn't give him very much.

Bryan and I- he looks really good tan. =)
My family (plus Stockton)
Our dessert- Ty looks really sunburned but he wasn't that bad

Stockton by the palm trees
Eating dinner
Stockton's favorite place in Cancun was on our big king bed in our room. It was nice and cool and not in the sun and he loved it. I thought he looked cute in his little swim diaper.
The boys shared the pull out bed. They did really good next to each other. Even though Cancun is only one hour ahead of us we still went to bed early for there. By the end of the day my boys were so tired. They had a english channel of old cartoons (Tom and Jerry, Flintstones etc) and they feel asleep to them every night at like 8:30 or 9. Bryan and I ended up going to bed that early too because we didn't dare wake them up and with Stockton waking up 4-5 times every night we were tired!
I really liked our rooms at the resort except one thing- the bathroom didn't have a door. There was a wall with a window and drape seperating the bathroom area to the rest of the room but there was foggy glass doors on the shower and the toliet. It was really odd but not as bad as I'm making it sound I'm sure. The room was really cool and they put pop in the fridge for us. Beer too- so we dumped that down the sink so our boys wouldn't open them thinking they were pop.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ocean H-10 resort

After our day of touring (and a LOT of time in the bus) we were all so ready for a swim. It felt so good after a long day. The next morning Stockton had me up really early (he did not sleep well the whole trip) and I was up to catch the sunrise. I'll admit I used a sunset setting on my camera so it is a little brighter then it really was but it was still beautiful. We got up soon after and went for a walk alone the beach. Before you start thinking were all romantic and crap we were with everyone. We spent the day at the beach and the pool as much as possible because it was our last full day.
The great Gordondo- as we call him
Our resort had these photograhers that walked around taking random pictures of everyone and wanted to charge 10 bucks a picture for them. They sometimes had some cool animals - a iguana, these birds or a spider monkey. Ty did get a picture with the monkey but when my brother tried to take a picture and they put their hand in front of his camera. So this time I went up to these guys on the beach with my boys and Nate and my mom stood way back and got some pictures. My boys loved it. I loved it.
I didn't notice before but I REALLY need to crop this photo down... yeah there were Europeans at our resort and they swim suits were interesting...

I'll be honest- this wasn't our sandcastle but it was cool enough to get a picture by

Our puny sandcastle- but my boys helped me make it. There were a ton of these tree needles (kind of like a pine tree) in the water- they are the black stuff around our feet. The boys did have to break the sand castle as soon as we took the picture. To them that is why you make one.
A few times a day this tractor would go up and down the beach and churn up the sand- Ty really liked that.
I bought them these just for our trip.
Walking with Grandma and Grandpa alone the beach. There were a lot of resorts alone the coast. But at least we were away from the city.
Stockton and Bryan
The sunrise from my room
Nate and his swim hair.
Stock really liked the pool


After a really good lunch we went to Coba. There are hills with trees all over the place which in fact were Mayan ruins that just hadn't been uncovered. There are over 6000 buildings in Coba (most uncovered) so there was a lot to see. We were hoping to see some spider monkeys and toucans but we didn't' get lucky. Stockton did better but still had a ruff time in the heat.
My family sure has grown in the last 6 years. From 4 to 10.
Ty and Lemual in Coba.
One of the few places you can climb on the ruins is here. It was SOOOO HOOOTTTT that i decided to stay at the bottom with Blake and Stockton and Bryan took Tyson up to the top. It has about 120 steps and they are really steep and close together. At the top is a beautiful lookout. My brother had my camera and didn't' get one picture of Bryan and Ty at the top- but he did get some of him and my dad. Bryan must have left too fast.
Poor baby was so hot we gave him a lot of water. Lucky for us he could drink from a straw. Most of the water ended up all over him but I'm sure that felt good too.

Behind Ty is the court of a game they used to play. We were told they used to hit a ball with their hips and try to get it in the loop in the middle. They found that behind this was rooms which they think might be kind of like a locker room. In other areas it seems that the loser teams captain was killed after the games. Glad I wasn't a Mayan.
Poor Stock didn't really enjoy Coba either. He did like the bike ride we had but other then that he was just hot. Look at that poor red face.

My boys favorite part of Coba was the bike ride. We rented bikes to ride though the jungle (how cool eh?) and because of my kids I got what Lemual called a trike. Jacob was our driver and he was so nice. My boys wanted to ride under the seat. I loved this. One of the highlights of the whole trip.
One of the stone tablets they would write the history of the area. The writing is mostly gone on this one.
My little family-

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Cenote

One of the highlights for me and for Bryan the highlight of the trip was the cenote. It's hard to explain what it is but it's pretty much swimming in a underground cave. Lemual our guide had snorkels and flippers for those who wanted them and I wish I would have used them because Bryan said you could see way deep into the water. Tyson loved it. There were birds flying in and out of the cave (that was well lit because it was light on the other side) and it was so hot outside it felt really good. The water wasn't really warm at all but it was really refreshing. Blake was screaming when we tried to get him into the water. We finally talked him into it and he still freaked out but at least he tried it. The water in one part wasn't too deep so Ty could stand in it but where you jumped in was like 7-8 feet at least.
Blake liked the dock more then the water.
My brother and Dad. Nate came up out of the water and smacked his head on a stalagmite. They were hard to see when you were in the water.

There are roots coming from top of the cave- they go through the rocks and into the water so they get water all year long. This is a good look of what the cenote was like.
My dad- look how clear the water is!
Stockton was so happy to be out of the hot sun and into the water.
Ty could have swam all day. I think Bryan could too. Before we pulled Blake out of the water Lemual told Bryan to dunk his head in the water. I guess it's a superstition down there that if you don't do that your body will get sick from not have it regulate your temperature or something.
Stockton with his new Aunt Sierra.