Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Last Cancun Post I Promise!

Our last day in Cancun we got up early and spent a lot of time at the pool. We had to check out by noon and ended up at the airport for awhile.

Tyson's says his favorite memory of Cancun is "Playing in the pool and eating lunch. Running in the sand. My favorite part of the ocean was seeing the fish (that would swim around our legs). I like the ice cream too. I like watching TV in our room. My last favorite part is the train. And riding the plane but not far away. (at the dallas airport. ) And the lifeguard that slipped. (he laughs) and the kid pool. There are palm trees and and the coconuts are in the tree but I didn't like the pelicans because they could pick up Stockton. I didn't like the rain but I liked the hot there. I liked the red leaves and yellow. Yeah I want to go back to Cancun."

Blake's favorite part of Cancun was "I was playing in the pool and playing in the sand and downstairs and upstairs. And playing the games but not the Wii. I didn't like the ocean but I liked the sand. I liked when I was under the bike ride in the jungle. I like the iguana lizard too- it was BIG! It was trying to bite you Ty (not really). Cancun is very good and I liked the yogurt. Sometimes at Cancun I saw the iguana on the palm tree. I liked holding the bird, birds are nice but not magpies. I liked to jump in the swimming pool. I would splash in the pool. And I love everything at Cancun, everything. That's all. And I always want to go everywhere in Cancun.
I just thought this was funny- this was in the Dallas airport.
Ty and Uncle Nate

Stockton LOVED the ice cream- we could go get some pretty much anytime we wanted. Don't worry we didn't give him very much.

Bryan and I- he looks really good tan. =)
My family (plus Stockton)
Our dessert- Ty looks really sunburned but he wasn't that bad

Stockton by the palm trees
Eating dinner
Stockton's favorite place in Cancun was on our big king bed in our room. It was nice and cool and not in the sun and he loved it. I thought he looked cute in his little swim diaper.
The boys shared the pull out bed. They did really good next to each other. Even though Cancun is only one hour ahead of us we still went to bed early for there. By the end of the day my boys were so tired. They had a english channel of old cartoons (Tom and Jerry, Flintstones etc) and they feel asleep to them every night at like 8:30 or 9. Bryan and I ended up going to bed that early too because we didn't dare wake them up and with Stockton waking up 4-5 times every night we were tired!
I really liked our rooms at the resort except one thing- the bathroom didn't have a door. There was a wall with a window and drape seperating the bathroom area to the rest of the room but there was foggy glass doors on the shower and the toliet. It was really odd but not as bad as I'm making it sound I'm sure. The room was really cool and they put pop in the fridge for us. Beer too- so we dumped that down the sink so our boys wouldn't open them thinking they were pop.

1 comment:

Adam and Aubrey said...

That dessert looks awesome... swimming in a pool of chocolate. Yum! Your trip looks SO fun! I'm so jealous! I want to go "everywhere in Cancun" too!