Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ocean H-10 resort

After our day of touring (and a LOT of time in the bus) we were all so ready for a swim. It felt so good after a long day. The next morning Stockton had me up really early (he did not sleep well the whole trip) and I was up to catch the sunrise. I'll admit I used a sunset setting on my camera so it is a little brighter then it really was but it was still beautiful. We got up soon after and went for a walk alone the beach. Before you start thinking were all romantic and crap we were with everyone. We spent the day at the beach and the pool as much as possible because it was our last full day.
The great Gordondo- as we call him
Our resort had these photograhers that walked around taking random pictures of everyone and wanted to charge 10 bucks a picture for them. They sometimes had some cool animals - a iguana, these birds or a spider monkey. Ty did get a picture with the monkey but when my brother tried to take a picture and they put their hand in front of his camera. So this time I went up to these guys on the beach with my boys and Nate and my mom stood way back and got some pictures. My boys loved it. I loved it.
I didn't notice before but I REALLY need to crop this photo down... yeah there were Europeans at our resort and they swim suits were interesting...

I'll be honest- this wasn't our sandcastle but it was cool enough to get a picture by

Our puny sandcastle- but my boys helped me make it. There were a ton of these tree needles (kind of like a pine tree) in the water- they are the black stuff around our feet. The boys did have to break the sand castle as soon as we took the picture. To them that is why you make one.
A few times a day this tractor would go up and down the beach and churn up the sand- Ty really liked that.
I bought them these just for our trip.
Walking with Grandma and Grandpa alone the beach. There were a lot of resorts alone the coast. But at least we were away from the city.
Stockton and Bryan
The sunrise from my room
Nate and his swim hair.
Stock really liked the pool


Kandace said...

Oh my word! I am SO SO SO Jealous! What a FUN Vacation! I'm so glad you guys got to go! I bet you had a ball! I can't wait to hear all about it! Love you!

Roxie said...

hahah you make me laugh ...all romantic and crap...i loved looking through all your pics...what a fun trip, i had no idea you guys were even going. you are good at journaling and details, you must get that from g-ma J!