There is a stake president from Cancun who does tours to the Mayan ruins and we book a day of touring from him. After a long drive in a bus (it was at least air conditioned) we got to Tulum. It was really hot and muggy that day and very humid. We were at least off the ocean so there was a breeze. When we got there we had to wait for a little tram thing to pick us up so we didn't have to hike up to it so my mom and I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom while we waited for it to come. After seeing the bathroom I held it. You had to ASK for toilet paper and there were no SEATS on the toilets. So gross. When we got up to Tulum we had to make a short hike up to it and Lemual (our guide) showed us a tree that drops acid. That's comforting. Stock at this point was getting a little fussy but not too bad. One cool thing about this place is that it is surrounded by a outer wall and a inner wall- just like Solmans temple in Jerusalem. It's like 12 feet tall on one side. It was really beautiful inside the wall. There were palm trees everywhere and the coast line was BEAUTIFUL. After being inside the walls for about 5 minutes Stockton decided he had had it. He didn't just cry he SCREAMED and totally freaked out. We would give him water, we put him under the umbrella we brought (thank goodness for that) but he wouldn't stop screaming. There were a lot of people there and our group had like 20 people so I tried to stay far enough away that we didn't ruin it for them. Then one girl came up to us from our group and said "this is why I left my two year old at the hotel." Gee thanks lady. Like I was hoping he would freak out. I was really enjoying him having a huge fit. I missed 90% of the tour because even it someone else was trying to help me hold him I would feel bad and follow them wherever they took him. I finally found a shady spot and tried to nurse him (I got really good at feeding him EVERYWHERE) and he sort of calmed down. Bryan traded me and I went to go see the ocean lookout. Whenever Stock is fussy now we just say "remember Tulum" and know it could be A LOT worse. He was so much happier in the bus after that. Even with all of that I thought it was beautiful and really cool. I wish I could have heard the tour.
I honestly think this was the prettiest beach I have ever seen. I wish I had my swim suit on because I would have totally jumped in the water.

This is the backside of the temple at Tulum. It over looks the ocean too.
Ty and I- Blake Bryan and the baby were down in the shade.
Cool dude
My parents, Nate and Sierra and Tyson.
No one lived in the temple because it was a special place for them.
Our whole group at Tulum- before Stockton freaked out.
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