Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cancun Day 1

We woke up at 4:30AM Saturday morning, got dressed and ready and put the kids in the car and headed to the airport. We got there a good hour and half early and still just made it to the gate in time to board the plane. To get though security with my kids is SUCH a pain and Stockton by the time we did was screaming. He was really hungry but as good as I got nursing him everywhere we went standing in line isn't a place I've had to feed him yet. We boarded our plane and my mom out of the goodness of her heart traded her seat with Tyson so she could help Bryan and I with the other two kids. I fed Stock as we took off and Blake feel asleep. My mom was just across the isle when the kid on this weird ladys lap next to my mom started throwing up. Yes, you read that right. THROWING UP and it got on my mom. My poor mom. I have mixed feelings about this mother of this little boy because he had been throwing up for two days and she must had fed him breakfast and some drink. Then after she cleaned herself up and her kid she gave him apple juice. Who gives their kid apple juice that JUST throw up. So The nice man behind them had a seat next to him where my mom now sat and the dumb lady sat right across the isle from me instead of the window seat where she was. The little boy (must have been like 18 months old) never had pants on just his diaper and he brother behind us (she had 4 kids total) looked like he had hand, foot and mouth diseases. I'm pretty sure later he just took a dive and scratched his face really bad. (I hope). So the little boy ended up throwing up at least 4-5 times all over his mother- and that is where I feel bad for the poor woman. She was trying to comfort him but she didn't have any toys or anything for any of her kids to look at.
She got up and woke the dad up who had slept through a good hour of this and he went and sat by her. The flight attendants were crap- we told them a kid was puking and they didn't even bring a napkin.

So there was Bryan and I with our little baby right by a sick puking kid and
we were freaking out. I was so worried he or Blake was going to catch whatever the kid had and ruin our trip. We asked my mom not to hold them because she may have some on her. She did try to clean it off the best she could.

We flew into Dallas Texas and ended up there for 4 hours. We spent this time eating lunch, and ice cream and riding the train around the airport. This place is huge! There are 5 main terminals and a monorail type train that goes to all of them. It takes about 20 mins to do that and we did it twice. We finally got to board our flight and were off to Cancun!

When we got there it was raining like CRAZY and when we stepped out of the airport to find our shuttle it was like 6-7 pm. The humidity was nothing I had ever felt before. It felt like a sauna honestly. What a LONG travel day with the kids. Stockton did pretty good but I could tell the pressure on the plane bothered him. We got to our hotel and my family was waiting for us to help us and we went and ate and went to bed. My boys, especially Tyson were SOOO excited. We were so ready for a fun trip!

Tyson has been talking about the palm trees FOREVER and getting a coconut out of one. He went nutty wen he saw our hotel had lots of palm trees with coconuts on them.


Heather said...

O, it sounds like day one was a mess. I am sorry about the ride, I really hoped it would be a good one.

Camey said...

What a adventure! I would have been sick from the smell! Poor mom and boy though! Can't believe you get to be there. You are do lucky! You should have taken me instead of Bryan. :)