Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Palmer boys Fall 2012

My friend Sherri helped me take these photos of my boys.  I figured they would act way better for her then me and besides she is dang funny and I knew she would get them smiling. 

 Brett wouldn't let me put him down without him screaming.  That's my arm in the bottom left corner as I hold him up.

Don't I have good looking boys?

Pre Halloween activities

 You can't do October in Cache valley without the pumpkin walk.  We were lucky enough to be able to go with all the Palmer cousins.  

I LOVE LOVE LOVE This picture! It's SO hard to get all of them to look at the camera let alone sort of smile.  I love how Stock has his finger in his nose too.  

We did our annual Palmer halloween party at our house again.  
 We dug into whipped cream to see who could pull their gummy worms out the fastest.  I don't have the picture where the adults did it.  Grandpa AND Grandma did it and Debbie even won!  Bryan and I, Joe and Brad did it too.  It was way fun. 
 You got to do bobbing for apples 
 And always a fan favorite is the pinata. Sannette always gets to go first and she is so dainty while she hits it.  Love it.  I love how this picture shows how Stock is trying to get his turn which was the theme of the evening.  He cried when it wasn't his turn.  We did go through all the kids twice before the candy fell.  Grandma filled it with so much candy they had plenty.  

 Grandkid picture we take every year.  It's fun to see how they change from year to year. 
 Looking scary while they wait for the fishing game.  

We went to our Jenkins party and played some fun games there too. 

 My fav was where we made Grandma and Grandpa into mummies.  Grandpa was a good sport.  He is really one of my favorite person of all time.  Grandma too!

 What halloween party isn't complete without the pinata. 
I have the day of halloween pictures on the camera that I'm working on.  I'm glad that my boys have had lots of chances to put on their outfits and have some fun. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Look out world-

Here is our newest college grad! 

Since Bryan never let me take real pictures after he finished school I made him at least hold his diploma.

I really can't express enough how proud I am of Bryan getting his degree.  He pretty much had to start from scratch and he finished with a 3.1 GPA while working full time and being a great dad to my kids. I HAVE LOVED him being home at night! Of all of the reasons I love him one of the reasons I love him the most is how hard he works for my family.  I know that no matter what he does if it's flipping burgers or working with lasers he will be the best at it.  I'm so proud of you Bryan!!!

To Grandma's house we go!

Over conference weekend we drove down to my parents house to help my day with his "pergola"(overing over his porch) and spend time with them. 
 Brett and Kiya- they were really cute together.  
 Grandma reading to the boys
 While the men were at priesthood we used my "pass of all passes" that gets us into a ton of places around SLC like raging waters.  We went to a place in Lehi with little rides and mini golf.  It was  A LOT of work with all four and thank goodness my mom was with me.  I'm excited to have my pass so whenever we go down we can go do lots of fun things.
I didn't get any pictures of the men working on the porch. I'm not sure why I don't think to take pictures of stuff like that while it happens!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Well played Bryan, well played

It's no secret the my husband is not a shy person. He has a very fun, very loud personality at times and it's part of the reason I love him.  He also shows his distaste for some things in his own way.  He doesn't like getting family pictures taken.  What guy does?  But instead of complaining, getting it done, and moving on with life he decided to "show" me how he felt about it. He said I didn't give him enough warning we were doing them.  He knew a couple of days in advance btw.  And I packed his clothes and everything he needed for them.  I bought clothes to match and really worked hard trying to find a photographer and reading stuff online about group shots.  We ended up just using a tripod and doing them ourselves which is why I'm sure he got away with these:

 Besides the dumb look on his face do you notice his hair?  yeah.
This is the final edited picture I came up with.  Bryan is STILL looking off but it isn't as bad as the other pictures.  I couldn't even photoshop his head (like I had to Stock and Ty's) because he looked that like in all of them!  And Brett was all over the place. He actually is about to pull Ty's hair in this picture. 
I really, really wanted a very nice family photo this year now Brett is in our family and have waited until he was a little older to take one.  I wanted a FEW shots and I wanted them to be nice.  I don't mind this picture but I'm really sad about how it's really our only good picture. I was hoping for at least a couple more I liked. I'm afraid with all these boys I'm going to have to kick and scream every year to get a photo and being I have 4 boys of Bryan's I'm sure they will all be looking off in the distance to bother me.  

 My brother and this cute family.  Kiya is 8 days older then Brett. 

Alright Bryan- I get it!  You hate pictures! But never year- humor me will ya?

The goonie

I remember today that I had never posted about this and felt I needed to. It's too funny to forget.  My boys like watching movies at night with Bryan and they started watching the Goonies a lot.  Classic movie.  And Blake really started getting into hunting for buried treasure.  Side note- he kept getting into my things like my makeup and drew with my mascara wand on my tile around the tub.  FYI only nail polish remover gets that off.  Well I was looking for some earrings  and I couldn't find my pearl earring my dad gave me for my wedding and I thought it was odd.  I figured that I misplaced it somewhere because I had one but not two.  I asked Blake later if he knew anything about it (since he takes such a interest in my stuff for some reason) and he got all weird about it.  I got it out of him that he thought it was treasure and buried it in our sandbox.  So we spent the next few days digging in the sandbox to no avail.  I did find my mia-maid necklace from like 15 years ago that was part of the treasure  in the sandbox.  We did find the container he had buried it in but Bryan remembers looking in it and throwing it over the fence.  We found it with no earring.  I gave up looking because seriously, on a  half acre of land what are the chances I was going to find it?  It could be in the grass, sucked up my the lawn mower, in the neighbors with the yellow houses yard (heaven forbid it's a MESS over there).  It's kind of funny if it wasn't sad too.  I feel bad about the earring but I feel worse about it being sentimental.   The joy of having little boys I guess!  Blake is such a funny little guy.  When he gets into something he really gets into it.  But if you say anything about it he gets all embarrassed.  He LOVES star wars stuff, Batman, the Avengers, spiderman, guns and hunting the list goes on.  I hope to find my earring someday but until then I keep the one alone in my jewelry box to remind me of Blake.  =)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blakers 5 bday

I tell him almost every day he is only going to be 4- he isn't allowed to grow up anymore!  But the crazy kid just won't listen to me and now he is 5.  Bryan was gone hunting so it was my job to make it the best day ever for him! 
How can you start the day without opening a present?  I also put crate paper over his door and he had to run though it for the morning of his birthday. He actually crawled under the paper and I made him go back and run through.
Ms. Jenny did fun stuff for Blake at preschool.  I brought treats for the kids and she made Gorden a angry bird hat.
Blake got a new toy gun and Stock wanted to play with him.
We went with the cousins to a local park and had lunch and played.  He loved it!

It was a angry birds birthday!  We built up boxes and the "birds" broke it down.
Cake and cupcakes. Thank goodness for my sis-in law Katie helping me make decorate the cake and cupcakes!  The cupcakes were my fav.

My mom came up and helped me get ready for the party and spent a couple of days with me.  She was a life saver!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tony Grove

 The week we were sick we drove the kids up to Tony Grove to get out of the house.  The leaves were just starting to turn and it was so pretty!

My boys liked being up the mountains- especially Stockton who could have thrown rocks in the lake all day.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Hogle Zoo

We went to the zoo for my niece Laycee's birthday and most of the Palmer family.  I even got Bryan to go even though he doesn't like the zoo.  I mean really, who doesn't like the zoo?

 Brett's first trip to the zoo- he was so good!

 Blake felt bad he wasn't in the picture.  He was behind my niece in the pink on top.

 My boys loved the new polar bear!

 The grandkids - Jenny's, Becca's, Joe's and our kids .