On Labor day we went to Wellsville for the parade they do every year. My sis in law with her girls and my in laws came as well. We got lots of candy! Bryan's sisters Jenny's kids were in the parade too so it was fun to see them.
Blake, Lily, Stockton (cheering, he loves parades) Becca, Ava, Tyson and Bryan with Brett in the back.
My niece Laycee is in the middle in the green shirt. She loved the attention.
We wanted to do a sort of ward party at our house on Labor day that ended up getting moved over to our friends Shelly and Jason's house. They have this huge, beautiful backyard and it was perfect for it! Bryan made his homemade rootbeer and some homemade fries and everyone brought some meat and something to share. I really love the area that I live in. There are so many great people.
Bryan and Jeff Gibson.
So this picture looks funny but he was laughing so hard because he was letting Stockton chase him. Ty is the BEST big brother! He is so good to his little brothers. I miss him because he is gone all day at school. Then when he gets home he is off playing. Ty is growing up WAY too fast! He still hugs me and tells me he loves me all the time though. I'm enjoying that while it lasts. The other day I didn't know it was a early out day at school and was late picking him up. I felt so bad but it didn't seem to bother him too bad. I remember being a kid and that really freaking me out when my mom was late coming to get me. Blake really misses Ty while he is at school. He is doing SO GOOD in preschool though! He as so many little friends and does his workbook without me having to really help him. I hope I can have him reading before kindergarden.
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