Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Look out world-

Here is our newest college grad! 

Since Bryan never let me take real pictures after he finished school I made him at least hold his diploma.

I really can't express enough how proud I am of Bryan getting his degree.  He pretty much had to start from scratch and he finished with a 3.1 GPA while working full time and being a great dad to my kids. I HAVE LOVED him being home at night! Of all of the reasons I love him one of the reasons I love him the most is how hard he works for my family.  I know that no matter what he does if it's flipping burgers or working with lasers he will be the best at it.  I'm so proud of you Bryan!!!

1 comment:

Camey said...

How exciting!! He should be proud!