Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pre Halloween activities

 You can't do October in Cache valley without the pumpkin walk.  We were lucky enough to be able to go with all the Palmer cousins.  

I LOVE LOVE LOVE This picture! It's SO hard to get all of them to look at the camera let alone sort of smile.  I love how Stock has his finger in his nose too.  

We did our annual Palmer halloween party at our house again.  
 We dug into whipped cream to see who could pull their gummy worms out the fastest.  I don't have the picture where the adults did it.  Grandpa AND Grandma did it and Debbie even won!  Bryan and I, Joe and Brad did it too.  It was way fun. 
 You got to do bobbing for apples 
 And always a fan favorite is the pinata. Sannette always gets to go first and she is so dainty while she hits it.  Love it.  I love how this picture shows how Stock is trying to get his turn which was the theme of the evening.  He cried when it wasn't his turn.  We did go through all the kids twice before the candy fell.  Grandma filled it with so much candy they had plenty.  

 Grandkid picture we take every year.  It's fun to see how they change from year to year. 
 Looking scary while they wait for the fishing game.  

We went to our Jenkins party and played some fun games there too. 

 My fav was where we made Grandma and Grandpa into mummies.  Grandpa was a good sport.  He is really one of my favorite person of all time.  Grandma too!

 What halloween party isn't complete without the pinata. 
I have the day of halloween pictures on the camera that I'm working on.  I'm glad that my boys have had lots of chances to put on their outfits and have some fun. 

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