Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, October 28, 2012

To Grandma's house we go!

Over conference weekend we drove down to my parents house to help my day with his "pergola"(overing over his porch) and spend time with them. 
 Brett and Kiya- they were really cute together.  
 Grandma reading to the boys
 While the men were at priesthood we used my "pass of all passes" that gets us into a ton of places around SLC like raging waters.  We went to a place in Lehi with little rides and mini golf.  It was  A LOT of work with all four and thank goodness my mom was with me.  I'm excited to have my pass so whenever we go down we can go do lots of fun things.
I didn't get any pictures of the men working on the porch. I'm not sure why I don't think to take pictures of stuff like that while it happens!

1 comment:

Camey said...

I have that pass and have been there. We waited in line for 1 hour just to ride a ride! SO annoying! We should meet up though. You need to call me!