It's no secret the my husband is not a shy person. He has a very fun, very loud personality at times and it's part of the reason I love him. He also shows his distaste for some things in his own way. He doesn't like getting family pictures taken. What guy does? But instead of complaining, getting it done, and moving on with life he decided to "show" me how he felt about it. He said I didn't give him enough warning we were doing them. He knew a couple of days in advance btw. And I packed his clothes and everything he needed for them. I bought clothes to match and really worked hard trying to find a photographer and reading stuff online about group shots. We ended up just using a tripod and doing them ourselves which is why I'm sure he got away with these:
Besides the dumb look on his face do you notice his hair? yeah.

I really, really wanted a very nice family photo this year now Brett is in our family and have waited until he was a little older to take one. I wanted a FEW shots and I wanted them to be nice. I don't mind this picture but I'm really sad about how it's really our only good picture. I was hoping for at least a couple more I liked. I'm afraid with all these boys I'm going to have to kick and scream every year to get a photo and being I have 4 boys of Bryan's I'm sure they will all be looking off in the distance to bother me.
My brother and this cute family. Kiya is 8 days older then Brett.
Alright Bryan- I get it! You hate pictures! But never year- humor me will ya?
Your pictures turned out really good. Bryan's face cracks me up in the pictures!
Blake has the best smile and you look beautiful as ALWAYS! You need to teach me to photoshop!
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