Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blakers 5 bday

I tell him almost every day he is only going to be 4- he isn't allowed to grow up anymore!  But the crazy kid just won't listen to me and now he is 5.  Bryan was gone hunting so it was my job to make it the best day ever for him! 
How can you start the day without opening a present?  I also put crate paper over his door and he had to run though it for the morning of his birthday. He actually crawled under the paper and I made him go back and run through.
Ms. Jenny did fun stuff for Blake at preschool.  I brought treats for the kids and she made Gorden a angry bird hat.
Blake got a new toy gun and Stock wanted to play with him.
We went with the cousins to a local park and had lunch and played.  He loved it!

It was a angry birds birthday!  We built up boxes and the "birds" broke it down.
Cake and cupcakes. Thank goodness for my sis-in law Katie helping me make decorate the cake and cupcakes!  The cupcakes were my fav.

My mom came up and helped me get ready for the party and spent a couple of days with me.  She was a life saver!

1 comment:

Camey said...

SO cute!! Spencer loves angry birds- how I wished we lived closer and he could have tons of boy friends!