Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, March 31, 2023

June 2022

Our Indiana cousins were time town! So we went to the swimming pool with them. 
The razor ride of death! Or so we now call it. It started as us inviting Joe and Heather on a ride with us. Brett and Heather McEvoy also came with their razor and Bryans friend Court and his girlfriend Nancy. We drove up Millville canyon to Echo point. Its at the top. Then we started to wonder if we could drive to the top of Providence. There wasn't much snow. So we started to go until we were about to drop down into the top of the canyons that connect the two canyons. Its hard to explain. there was snow there but we thought hey we could do a little snow. It's not too bad. And Court loves this type of stuff and drives in it often. So he went first and got through it. So we decided to go for it! And almost ended up in the trees. But we laughed and THOUGHT that was the worst of it. Oh were we wrong. 

After we got down the first snowy part there was no turning back. There was no way we were going to get back up that. So we pressed forward. And ran into a fallen tree. (we were breaking trail for the season). We would end up cutting down about 6 trees over the next few hours. We would get about 30 yards and run into either another tree over the road or worse a huge snow pile from the shade of the trees. Our Razor did the worst though it. 

It took us about 3 hours to get though but later in the summer takes about 5 minutes. And Honestly I was really worried a few times that Bryan and our razor was going to slide down the mountain. We would get out and watch in those parts. We were laughing that we were going to have to spend the night up there! Honesty worst case we would walk out of Prov canyon. We weren't dressed or ready for this at all. Besides court! He had a chainsaw and lots of jackets and blankets. He was so funny- said he was going to dream about this later. 

We mostly laughed about it. It was so crazy it was kind of funny. Heather was able to call her mom and tell her we would be late. We randomly get reception at the top and she wanted her mom who was watching some of her kids that we were going to be late and not to worry. Well she was worried and called the sherifs office to see what to do if we got stuck. well that started things rolling and by the time we started going down Providence canyon there was a Officer waiting for us to make sure we got out.  

A little stuck haha 

We got home around 11. I was so grateful to be home! It was a great story though. 
Happy flag day! We like to fly my Grandpas flag on big holidays. 

I had a wedding at the Logan temple with the weirdest weather. HOT wind. Usually wind is cool but this one was really hot and really crazy! And the freaking sprinklers came on during photos! 
I got Bryan a pressure washer. 

We went on a hike with Joe and Heather 

Stockton's at it again in the garden! He got his pumpkins all planted. 
I'm realizing this was actually July below. We went 4th of July weekend and couldn't believe how busy the roads were! We took our razors from Temple fork to bear lake for a burger and shake! Blake and East were with us. 

Nate brought his kids to town! 


Palmer Extended Family Pictures

 I take about 75-100 photo sessions a year. I've seen a lot of things. But my Palmer family is the hardest photo session I do. Why? Well mostly my husband haha. Part of it is I really care about it and want to do well for them! I don't want to let them all down. And again Bryan. He likes to second guess any decision I make and it drives me crazy. After we are all done I always feel like I need a nap. It's a lot. 

It's so rare that we are all together and so when it happens we hurry and get a photo. It's usually for one evening only like this one. We had everyone but my nephew Jake who is on his mission to Chili. The next family pic we did I bet my son Ty will be gone! 

I didn't want to go very far this time. Last time was Tony Grove. I wanted to make it easy for everyone so we went like a mile from my in laws house. And smart me- take the Palmers who have bad allergies into a field with weeds. And by the end half of them had puffy eyes. It was bad. Especially poor Sannette. 

Joe, Becca, Bryan, Jenny and Cory. Bryan's siblings. 

Ron jumping in front of family photos. Like my family does 
Cory's family and My family 
Beccas and Joes Family 
The grandkids 

We did something different this time. Each Grandkid got their picture taken with Grandma and Grandpa. All the kids got one but my Stockton! He was in line for his photo and wondered off. Little stinker.

I feel very lucky to be in the family I married into. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

May 2022

 I don't know why but these photos posted all sorts of out of order! And it's too hard to fix it so I'm sorry. This month is kind of going to go backward. 

When Bryan and I got married he had finished about 6 credits of college. Pretty much nothing done. And I was worried to marry him without some sort of goal of providing for his family because it felt like he didn't have one. Honestly he did but needed a push to get school started. Well USU was NOT very helpful in getting him in school. Finally when Tyson was 9 months old they allowed him to start his bachelors with satellite and online classes. It took him 7 years to finish because he only did a couple of classes at a time. Not only did he work full time though that he was around for raising 4 little boys. 

A few years ago he came to me saying he felt like he needed to get a MBA. He had already talked to Utah State about getting it down. I was floored! For is bachelors degree I was the one doing all of that signing up and talking to the school for him. He just went to class. So he talked to a couple of friends from work into doing it with him. They decided to go on a slow path to finish because their job would give them so much every year for school. Just for a idea his degree was over 30,000 to get. About thousand bucks a credit.  So having work help pay was HUGE. 

To say I was proud of him is a understatement. If you knew Bryan back in the day I'm sure him having a graduate degree would have shocked you. Not only that but he had a 4.0 with his masters. 

He refused to do a graduation ceremony. I wish I would have made him but oh well. But he did last me get some photos of him. 

I told you this was backwards- We got to see some Pack family for Memorial Day. This is Emily Pack and I love her more then I can say. She was one of my roommates in college and just more of a friend/sister then anything. 

Super rainy Memorial Day at the Pack graves. 
Oh this is one of my FAV things from last year. I've really got into family history and have been reading a lot about my family. On my moms side I have 4th great grandparents that were pioneers and settled in Weston Idaho. That is where Bryan's mom grew up and her family was from. We go to Weston Cemetery every single year and yet I didn't know I had family there too! So I was on a search to find them. And low and behold. My 4th great grandparents are buried NEXT TO Bryan's 4th great Grandparents. NEXT TO EACH other! How cool is that? His are Jensens and mine are Coburns. I just love it so much. They would have had to know each other. I hope they liked each other haha. 

Ah another thing I loved. May was a awesome month! My brother and sister in law decided to adopt the boys they had in foster care. After that was official then they were able to have them sealed to them. The date kept having to change and the location but then they finally figured out the Payson temple that was close to them. Well after two years of not catching it my parents got covid right before. And were too sick to come. They felt so bad! Sierra had a lot of her family there a  couple of friends from their ward. And Sierra's cute Grandpa did the sealing. 

Bryan and I were the only ones there from our side. I will never forget it. Nate has a 8 kids under 10. And Finn and Jojo were only 1 with Alex and Alayna being 2. I didn't know how it would go. Bryan and I were outside to help with the kids. I got to hold Jojo in the temple and as soon as we went inside the kids were so good. Jojo just kept looking around. Alex was such a sweetie as well. I was helping them get ready in the youth center before the sealing. I had that calling when I was first married in the Logan temple. Grandma Jenkins was in charge of it. 

Bryan and I had Jett and Indy sitting by us in the sealing room and Nate and Sierra got to hold Alex and Jojo. Even when they were being sealed and and the kids have to keep their hands on Nate and Sierras they HELD STILL. You just have to know that they are busy toddlers who don't hold still. Alex kept looking up and around. It was such a special moment. Bryan will make fun of me for this but I know we had a lot of Grandparents watching in that room. I just love those sweet little boys. I'm so happy they are in our family forever. 

Field Trips! Brett and I got to go to Golden Spike National monument. I had never been! It was really cool to see. And hot outside. 

Come to find out I did have some family that had worked for the railroad. 

My cousin Julie loves family history like me. So I took her to Logan cemetery to show here where our family graves are. We had her sweet Kennedy with us. 

Kennedy never got to meet her Grandma Martha in this life. Martha would have adored her! 

Another field trip! This time the 5th grade in Logan canyon. We took the kids on a few mile hike and many of them had never been on a hike before. Stock is on the left in the back in a green jacket. 

Ty's hat says Women want me and fish fear me. 

One of our many razor rides. Looking into blacksmith fork canyon from Millville canyon. Me and my Gord I just love him. 

East and Hadlee Christensen - cousin Coltons little girl. 

Senior ball! I had another session that day so Jacks mom Trinity took these photos and did a great job!

Muddy razor rides! 

See backwards- Ty made the flower for his prom date with Jack and his sister. 

More out or order- more MBA photos 

Tyson helped me do free missionary photos for people. He helped get their info so I could send them the pictures. 
His answer from his prom date. 
Bryan bought this for me for mothers day. He knows my love of sweet peas and how they remind me of my sweet grandma Jenkins. 
Water turn 
This ride was so fun! There was mud everywhere! 
We were up hardware ranch and over. And ended up going as far as we could go until we found trees over the road. We were covered in mud and it was so much fun. 

Happy mothers day to my mom! I had this made from my grandma's handwriting 
At the top of Millville Canyon after Madisons wedding. 

Madison and Quaid got married! 
Me and my best girl Sannette. She was in such a good mood at Madisons wedding.