Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, March 24, 2023

Kauai day 6

Poor Stockton woke up on this Tuesday throwing up. And he was really looking forward to Snuba he felt so bad about it. Bryan, Grandpa Pack, Ty, Blake and Brett went and did Snuba though and had a good time. 

Later that day we went to my favorite Beach by our condo shipwreck beach. It's pretty dangerous to swim in so my younger boys just played in the sand. 

Bryan and Ty went out to body surf. The waves were huge! 
I love the above photo it's my favorite. 
Poor Blake the waves were smacking the crap out of him. 

I love Koloa Landing resort. I could never afford it on my own but it is the most amazing place!

Easton was sleeping on some couch cushions on the floor in my room and around 11 pm He threw up all over the floor. Then proceeded to throw up all though the night. I moved him onto a blow up mattress the resort gave us to use but it kept loosing air. The poor guy. When we made it to the airport at like 6:30 he was laying on the nasty floor. We figured whatever he had was worse then something on the floor. 

The only lucky thing about it was our flight wasn't very full and so he sat next to me and was able to sleep for a long time. He only threw up once in the little bags they have for people with motion sickness. What a trooper.  

It's actually taken me a year to get over being sick on our trip. Whenever I think about Kauai I think about throwing up until recently. It ended up being a great time and we made a lot of fun memories. 


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