Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, March 31, 2023

Palmer Extended Family Pictures

 I take about 75-100 photo sessions a year. I've seen a lot of things. But my Palmer family is the hardest photo session I do. Why? Well mostly my husband haha. Part of it is I really care about it and want to do well for them! I don't want to let them all down. And again Bryan. He likes to second guess any decision I make and it drives me crazy. After we are all done I always feel like I need a nap. It's a lot. 

It's so rare that we are all together and so when it happens we hurry and get a photo. It's usually for one evening only like this one. We had everyone but my nephew Jake who is on his mission to Chili. The next family pic we did I bet my son Ty will be gone! 

I didn't want to go very far this time. Last time was Tony Grove. I wanted to make it easy for everyone so we went like a mile from my in laws house. And smart me- take the Palmers who have bad allergies into a field with weeds. And by the end half of them had puffy eyes. It was bad. Especially poor Sannette. 

Joe, Becca, Bryan, Jenny and Cory. Bryan's siblings. 

Ron jumping in front of family photos. Like my family does 
Cory's family and My family 
Beccas and Joes Family 
The grandkids 

We did something different this time. Each Grandkid got their picture taken with Grandma and Grandpa. All the kids got one but my Stockton! He was in line for his photo and wondered off. Little stinker.

I feel very lucky to be in the family I married into. 

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