I take about 75-100 photo sessions a year. I've seen a lot of things. But my Palmer family is the hardest photo session I do. Why? Well mostly my husband haha. Part of it is I really care about it and want to do well for them! I don't want to let them all down. And again Bryan. He likes to second guess any decision I make and it drives me crazy. After we are all done I always feel like I need a nap. It's a lot.
It's so rare that we are all together and so when it happens we hurry and get a photo. It's usually for one evening only like this one. We had everyone but my nephew Jake who is on his mission to Chili. The next family pic we did I bet my son Ty will be gone!
I didn't want to go very far this time. Last time was Tony Grove. I wanted to make it easy for everyone so we went like a mile from my in laws house. And smart me- take the Palmers who have bad allergies into a field with weeds. And by the end half of them had puffy eyes. It was bad. Especially poor Sannette.
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