Brett got to rock the halls! Which means he met his reading goal at school and got to run through the halls while the school cheered. He was with the other kids who met their reading goal as well.
Grandmas hot tub
Trying to teach Easton how to ride a bike. He really doesn't like to try new things. Especially when he could fall. It took us ALL SUMMER to get him to ride his bike! And when he finally did it enough to get a prize he never got on his bike again.
Look at world here comes Tyson Palmer- Driver. He finished all of his tests and is out on the road by himself.
My niece Madison is engaged! And I got to take her pictures out on antelope island.
Tyson's first date! Cute Chloe is a girl in our ward and asked ty to go. They went to the spring fling dance.
My brother Nates 8 kids. Yes I said 8. And the oldest is 9. I just love all of these cuties.
Temple day with Grandpa Palmer
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