Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

January 2022

Tyson turned 16! Bryan had covid though- so we had a low key birthday
Ty got some ice fishing equipment and we had his favorite pie. 

We had my grandmas funeral. It was a really beautiful service talking about her joy in serving God, others and mostly her family. The florist was able to find her favorite flower- sweet peas! Even in January! And had them brought in for the funeral. She would have loved it! 

Before they closed her casket all of her kids went up to see her one last time and I felt like I needed to look at her as well. Words can express how I feel about her. She was everything to me. I broke down in a flood of tears knowing this was the last time I would look at her in this life. 

At her graveside we sang one of her favorite songs "love at home" and her grave was dedicated. Stockton came up to me after with tears in his eyes wanting to show me something. It was a caterpillar he ha found on her headstone. Which was moved and away from the flowers etc. His very favorite thing- A caterpillar! In JANUARY! Something just for him from my grandparents. It was such a special moment. 
All the granddaughters minus Katie who was on a mission. 
My mom and all of her living siblings. 
Tyson wasn't able to leave school to come but the rest of my kids were there. Nate also had all of his kids around but he left the little ones back with his wife at the church. 

I'm lucky my family puts up with me always taking pictures of everything. 
Pack grandkids. 
Stocktons special catapilliar from Grandma Jenkins

The day Stockton got the priesthood! Grandpa Palmer had fallen and so we were at his house so he could be there. 

Lukes birthday dinner with Sannette! 
This was a really special day for me! Ty blessed the sacrament, Blake prepared it and Stockton passed it. They were teasing poor Stockton so he wasn't happy for the photo. So proud of my boys. 
I pulled Blake and Stock out of school to take them to the temple! It was Stockton's first time!
My niece Madison is engaged and she let me come and watch her try on dresses! 

Easton has been working really hard in 1st grade. He passed off all of his Ninja belts and got his black belt! 

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