Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, March 24, 2023

Kauai Day 5

Back in the very beginning of January My cousin Roxie and I had to get up at 3 am to get a parking permit to Ke e beach. It was really hard to get honestly! It doesn't cost a lot of money but because the parking lot fills up fast they make you have a permit. 

I woke up feeling better then the day before but still like crap. My body was so worn out as was Ty's and Brett's. I took some medicine and made the best of it because we got the passes for this day and it was only good for the day you bought it for. It was over a hour drive to the beach but the drive was so beautiful! 

Honestly the beach was cool. But because we were there in February the water wasn't good for snorkeling like it is in the summer. It was cool to see it once in my life though. We were going to go on a hike there but there was no way some of us would have made it being sick. 

Wild sea lion!

I love beaches and made them stop at some famous ones on the way home. One of the most famous beaches in Kauai is Hanalei bay.  Don't be fooled I actually edited out a lot of people in these photos. 


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