The only thing Ty wanted to do on your trip and our last Hawaii trip was to go fishing. Since fishing is his thing I really wanted to make this happen for him. My dad was willing to go with them because Bryan was scared he was going to puke. The woke up really early and went on the trip. I had booked the same guy my cousin Roxie had used for her boys during their trip but his boat broke down. So he got a friend to take them. I had paid for them to go with another group too for less money but the other guys ended up not showing up! So they got all of the attention. They really liked the guys that took them out on the water too. And no one got sick at all!
The both caught a fish. Grandpa didn't but he slept ahaha. It must have been relaxing.
They brought the fish home and they cooked it up for dinner. I didn't care for any.
We went on the sleeping giant hike. Ty stayed back saying he wasn't feel well. A sign of things to come.
It was actually a hard hike. I'm not sure if we started in the wrong spot because I didn't see some of the areas my friends showed in their pictures. It was hot and hard. But the views were awesome!
Poor Brett- he didn't tell us but apparently he left for the bathroom and THREW UP. He didn't even say! Let me back up. My mom was sick the day before we left on our trip. My dad got sick while on our trip but was still able to do things with us. But it started to knock my family off one by one. And it was awful.
We were driving back from getting snow cones after our hike and East told us that Brett was puking in the back of the van. You know the van we rented and it came with 5 miles on it and plastic all over. Like BRAND NEW and Brett was throwing up.
Later that night It hit Tyson and he was sick. Lucky for us our room had three bed rooms and three bathrooms. So while we were all dying one by one at least we didn't have to share one bathroom. I woke up feeling like I was on the verge of death. It was awful! I took this photo below on the day after Brett got sick. Looking out to a beautiful day in Kauai and every time I moved I had to run to the bathroom. I don't think I've ever had a stomach bug this bad before. It was HORRIBLE. The remaining kids that weren't sick went swimming and just kind of hung out. The only thing we had planned this day was going to church so at least we didn't loose anything that cost money. And I'm sure the ward in Kauai was thankful we didn't share what we had. Stockton got it two days later and Easton had it the night before we flew home. More on that later.
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