Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Kauai 2022- Day 1

When we were trying to decide on a big family trip honestly we weren't looking at Hawaii we looked at Florida. But then there was a time everything in Florida got really expensive! So my sister in law Sierra found out she could use her connection to a resort in Kauai we stayed at last time and get a great deal. So we found flights for like $230 round trip (unheard of to Kauai) and decided to book it. Nate and Sierra ended up getting a couple of their foster kids back to adopt so they decided to cancel the trip but Grandma and Pa Pack still wanted to come. We were excited to head to Kauai again! 

Months before we got all of our covid shots to be able to go without issues. At the time you either had to have a official covid test taken (had to find places to do those) or proof of vaccine. We had to wear our masks in the airport and in stores but most places in Kauai were pretty good about not wearing them outside. Thankfully! Hawaii had been really strict about Covid. 
We flew out in the afternoon. Our first stop was Arizona and then off to Kauai. It was cool flying out of Arizona because we were following the sunset. We arrived in Kauai about 10 pm their time but that is 2 am our time. It was a hard adjustment. 

The first morning the boys wanted to get in the pools. Koloa Landing resort has won best pool at a resort in the USA for a couple of years in a row. It really is an amazing pool. Stockton caught a lizard too. 

It always feels amazing to leave the cold of Utah and get in the sun of Hawaii! 

Our big activity of the day was a sailing tour of the Napali coast. They served dinner on it and because of the time of year we were whale watching. We went on Captain Andys tour and it was amazing! The views were some of the most incredible I've ever seen in my life. We saw lots of whales! And sailing was easy and fun. We were worried we would be sick on it but none of us got sea sick. 

All of the other people on the cruise were adults- so my family stuck out. 

The napali coast is beyond beautiful. The only way to see it is from air or the water. There are no roads that drive though. The mountains go right to the ocean. This was one of the best things we did on our trip! 

The kids spent a lot of time here- especially Easton for some reason. It was down below the deck and where people could eat. The kids didn't care for the food but I loved it. 

We did see a lot of whales! For my boys it was the best part of the ride. 

Our Captain asked Easton if he wanted to sail the boat. And my little pirate who you would think would be externally excited to try freaked out. But I talked him into it and he loved it! The captain helped show him how to do it- and even announced when Captain Easton had found a whale for everyone to see. 

 Part of the top was like a tramp-and yes we did get a little wet. It was awesome. I just love being in kauai! 

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