There is a joke about May being so busy for moms. But moms have no idea what busy is until they have a senior in high school. Holy cow May is so so busy. Especially when you have 4 other kids and a busy job!
This is Logans "teddy monkey" as the boys call it. A old stuffed animal that he loves.
The Layton temple had an open house. Blake had a big track meet and I had photos so we missed it but the rest of the boys went. Including Easton!They loved it its a beautiful temple.
Last track meet! Blake did awesome and was one of the fastest kids from his school in the 800m
Trying out the googles I got for our Florida trip.
My handsome boys before Senior Ball!
Tyson's group!
Ty had a lot of his friends in his group.
Blakes group!
Blake and Taegan. Tysons friends were at our house all the time so Ty's friends became Blakes friends too.
Every year I sign up to take photos at the RHS river walk for the seniors. Honestly I kept doing it partly because someday my kids would be there! Ty walked right past me and would't come back. I had to make him really fast.
Mothers Day!
Easton's field trip to the ice arena to ice skate. He wasn't a huge fan but I was proud of him for trying!
Easton made all of his reading goals and got to do the hose out! The fire truck pumps out water and the kids get all wet. It's actually really fun!
I love buying flowers so much.
Tyson didn't want to go to the senior skip day at lagoon. I still can't figure out why! But I used it to my advantage. I wanted to go to the cemetery before Memorial Day to put flowers on my families graves and I took my Ty with me. At first he seemed like he didn't care too much but as we went (and he saw I wasn't taking forever) and I started telling him about these people he started to like it. I'm not sure he would admit it but he was. In these photos Tyson is by his 4th great grandma and his 5th great grandpa. They are both in the Logan cemetery.
Dropping him off at lunch for his almost last day of school
Blake helped run with the kids at the wellsville mile
Tyson signed up for guitar and absolutely loved it. He loves listening to music but playing it is hard for him. He did really good though. And volunteered to sing country roads!
Taegan being the good friend he is (and one heck of a guitar player himself) came to listen to ty play.
Right after we left for the church for senior night. Thee are some of Tysons favorite things.
Stockton had to do a science project and it was how a tennis ball bounces after it's frozen, burned buried in dirt, eaten by Logan etc.
We went to help my dad at his cabin in bear lake and went to charlies after! I can't remember why Tyson wasn't there.
Tyson is always making movies. I'll be honest it isn't my favorite. He would kick us out of the kitchen of our house for a couple hours while he filmed his movies. They would go up in the mountains all the time to film too. Film film film. Drove us crazy. Then he would spend hours on the computer editing them. Ridgeline did a film festival and they showed his movie American Gold. I honestly haven't even seen it. He won I think best actor at the film festival and was so happy about that.

Ok here is a cool story. I love family history. Like I get so excited reading about my family. I was looking at Bryans family and found out one of his 4th great grandmas was buried in Wellsville. She crossed the plains with the saints. When aunt Rhea (who likes genealogy too) was in town for Memorial Day we decided to go on the Saturday of memorial day weekend. Cory was in town so some of his kids and then some of Jennys family came too. We looked and looked and looked. I couldn't find her name on the directory or anything. We had over a dozen of us combing the cemetery and still couldn't find her! (It said online she was buried here.
I honestly said so many prayers. I just wanted to find her and have her be remembered. We were all about ready to give up when Addi yells out they found her! You would not believe where she was. In a lone corner without any other graves around her. The road was almost over her grave. The grass covered it a little bit so it was no wonder we couldn't find it! I bet cars had been driving over he for years.
Addi said she was praying too and was crying a little when we found her. I could just picture Ann wanting to show us where she was and we just couldn't find her. Can you imagine how forgotten this women must have felt for decades? Not only did most of her posterity most likely not know she existed but no one even knew where she was buried.
We all went to work. Bryan and Cory went and got water out of the bathroom and we started cleaning some of the grass and mud off her grave. It didn't look great but it looked better! I had a couple of flowers from my yard to put on her grave. Bryan and I went a couple of weeks later to put a stake by her grave so people wouldn't drive on it. I but the lawn mower guy took it out but we wanted to at least try. I just loved this experience.
Memorial Day is my fav. I love being with my family thinking about our ancestors.
We met on a Sunday and had lunch at our house before we went to the graves.
Blake got a letter for track for running varsity!
Tysons VERY LAST day of school! Ugh I can't even take it!
Last day for these kids too
Tys first day of Kindergarten