Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Seminary Graduation

Growing up Seminary graduation was done with the whole graduating class. We only had 40 from my whole high school. Here in Utah that isn't possible because it would be like a whole other graduation ceremony. So they do it by stake. Ours was about a week and a half before high school graduation. There were about 25 to 30 kids from our stake graduating. I'm really blessed with good kids. I never had to make them take or go to seminary. They always went to class when a lot of other kids would skip. One of his teachers were at graduation and he said he loved Ty being in class and he would draw some amazing stuff. He drew a picture of Christs hands. I wish I could see it! 

I'm positive Tyson and Jack can't take a normal pictures together. 

Sannette Graduated from seminary the same day and time as Tyson. So Grandma went to hers and Grandpa went to Tysons. We would have been ok with them both going to see Sannettes but Grandpa wanted to be there for Ty. My parents also came. 

Bryan was there talking to people so we didn't get a photo of him. Again. 

I made Ty is favorite pie for graduation. 

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