Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, January 16, 2022

April 2021

We love to fish 

I will never put a frog on my shoulder like that. This boys loves frogs. 
Easter was a big deal for us because it was the first time Jenny let us around her family since the summer before. she was always so scared of covid with us we never got to see them. So my kids were so excited to see Sannette!
It felt so good to have something normal with the family again. 

East loves Jake. He liked having help during the Easter hunt. 

Annual Easter Photo 

Sannette sent us the selfie on the left when she got her covid shot. I sent her the one on the right when I got mine. Honestly getting the covid shot is such a decisive topic. Its crazy to me. I'm 100% for people having a choice if they want to get it or not. But I'm tired of people being mean to others on their choice on way or another. Mine came down to the fact that I have a lot of people I love that could die if they got covid. And honestly I was a little emotional after my first shot when I saw all the people helping give them out and everyone there waiting in line. My great, great grandmother buried 5 of her children due to them getting illnesses that we have shots for now. I just felt so grateful I could be vaccinated even if it just helps a little. 

I picked up this sweet lady and she showed me around the Logan cemetery where our family is buried. I've even really fascinated about my family history. I had no idea how many pioneers I had in my family tree. And that are here in Cache Valley! 

Sundays at Grandma Packs with Grandma Jenkins. 

Easton drew this for me - it's him and I

It was late in the evening in the middle of April Bryan's phone started going off. We had gone to bed so it was really noticeable. Bryan's mom messaged her kids that Bryan's dad was in the ER and they were wondering if It was a heart attack. Jenny called Bryan and told him that Ron was ready to go up and give him a blessing if they hospital would allow them in. (Covid really messed everything up that way. in 2020 no one was allowed in the hospital with people) Bryan got a hold of his mom and she said they were good to go in to the room. 

While Bryan was driving up to the hospital Debbie called him and said you better hurry he isn't doing well. At that moment he was having a heart attack and it was pretty bad. When Bryan got there Lige was in and out of his heart attack. I wasn't there so it isn't really my story to tell but from what Bryan and Debbie told me they really thought they were about to loose him. Ron and Jenny made it up and they gave him a blessing. They had to get him into surgery to fix his heart to stop the heart attack. 

Around 2 am I finally got a hold of Bryan and he was at his moms house picking up some things for her. He was out of surgery he was recovering. It was so scary. He was in the hospital for a few days. He ended up needing two more heart surgeries in a bigger hospital in Ogden to get him where he needed to be. 

Ty drew this for him. 

We went to visit him when he got home. My boys just love their Grandpa Palmer. He is their buddy. They were really worried about him. 

It makes you so grateful for the people in your life when you get that close to loosing them. 
This is a big deal. Stock has always struggled with reading but he is made so much progress. 
Thanks for this Tyson 

Its the best day of the year! Sannette birthday! No one is as happy about birthdays then her. 
I'm so happy I captured this moment. It was a big deal. Sannette got up to give Grandma and Grandpa a hug for her gift they gave her and Lige got really emotional. His heart attack was only about 5 days earlier and he was thinking about how he almost wasn't there for this. 

 Happy Birthday Grandpa Pack 

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